Woman Of A Certain Age in Paris!

“Paris! It speaks to me in a way that no other city in the world ever has.”

I am a Woman of a Certain Age in Paris!
It really is the City of Light – showcasing the finest this planet has to offer in architecture, fashion, food, art, and romance. I personally have never been to Paris with a partner or lover, although make no mistake, I am definitely having a love affair with Paris – all on my own!
No, my connection to Paris and the reason I think it keeps calling me back is because of the way it makes me feel – it is a place that engages all of my senses. It inspires me to be more vital, alive, empowered, and definitely more feminine.
That’s a side of myself that I have subdued – like so many of us who grew up in the baby boom generation. We were breaking new ground but also treading softly. I personally feared forging a bold career path in a male-dominated industry that I might be accused of not being “up to the job” or worse, using my femininity to get ahead or advance my career.
It’s been a tricky and often exhausting balance. BUT… when I visit Paris…Poof! I am liberated – suddenly uninhibited to explore my feminine side, without compromising my feminist side. In others words, it is where I feel I can be more of myself. Paris is my alter-ego if you will, like a secondary or alternative personality, and one that grows stronger as I get older and care less about what people think.
So if you love Paris, I invite you to join me on the journey at Woman of A Certain Age In Paris.com where I will unwrap little by little, week by week, what this remarkable city represents to us, as we enjoy and relish what I believe are the best years of our lives.

Woman of a Certain Age In Paris visiting a French perfume store. Naturellement!
Coming in 2023
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With my favourite waiter at Café Les Deux Magots/Woman of A Certain Age in Paris
Brought to you by womanofacertainageinparis.com

Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
I well remember my trips to Rouyn , France when I was 17/28 and subsequently lived in Pau, in the foothills of the Pyrennes when I was 30/31 before visiting Paris for a quick but very cultural visit. Time to return one day. Now I spend sometime speaking French at the Collingwood library. It is slowly coming back!
Rosemarie, thank you for your comment! How do spend time speaking French at the Collingwood library! I would be interested
in hearing about that!
Hi Diana:
There is an organisation called Clé out of Barrie. Centre de formation des adultes. It is funded by the Government. Nathalie Lanthier is one of the organisers and comes each Friday to conduct one hour with myself and another pupil in French conversation and then there is a public conversational class for one hour at noon. ( all retired people, at this point in time). The level of French varies but one has to know enough to speak and understand. I also now attend another class on a Monday, somewhat more structured with writing and discussion with a Madam Annick Freed. I love the idea of Paris Greeters !!
Thank you for this info. I am going to look into this! Diana
What a wonderful blog. Your impressions of Paris are identical to mine. Thank you so much!
My cadeau to you. A new restaurant we discovered a few ago in the 11th. The chef is a lovely woman, l’age inconnu but would guess around 50.
I do believe she will have a star before too long and then of course we won’t be able to get a reservation . Meantime do try it. Food is superb. Clever and sophisticated decor and even the bathroom is special which is saying something for Paris!
LE BESLAY 67 rue Parmentier
Ruth, What a lovely note. Thank you for reading my blog. I will most certainly try Le Beslay!
I too found a real gem of a place that I will be writing about in the coming weeks called — Au Coup du Torchon in the Saint-Germain des Pres neighbourhood! I will keep you posted, Diana