Herbes de Provence!

On my various trips to France over the years, I usually come home with some Herbes de Provence, usually in those pretty little clay jars.
They make great gifts and everybody likes getting them.
Herbes de Provence are the perfect assemblage of dried herbs that make any stew, soup, meat, poultry or fish dish feel like you have stepped right into the south of France.
I never thought much about what exact herbs are included so I looked it up and was interested to discover that Herbes de Provence can include up to 12 ingredients.
I also learned that lavender is not usually included in the original French recipe, but was added to North American grocery store brands.
With all those ingredients, no wonder most of us buy them ready-made.
Make Your Own Herbes de Provence
However, in case you are interested in making your own, my dear friend, Carol Little, who is a registered herbalist, has a recipe in her new e-book called 20 Medicinal Herbs For Your Culinary Garden.
In fact, her website www.studiobotanica.com is a fascinating resource explaining the wonderful healthful (and delicious) properties of various herbs.
Below is Carol’s recipe for Herbes de Provence, and an excerpt from her latest book.
Herbes de Provence by Carol Little, R.H.
“This classic herbal blend from the south of France is easy to make and enjoy all summer long. There are several versions of this special blend. This is the one I have been making for years, and it’s a delight to use!
Make extra and your friends will love you! It couldn’t be easier. Grow herbs. Harvest. Dry. Measure and add to a bowl. Mix with your hands. Pour into a glass jar + label.
1 tbsp dried lavender owers 1 tbsp dried marjoram
2 tbsp dried parsley
2 tbsp dried oregano
1 tbsp dried rosemary
2 tbsp dried savory
3 tbsp dried thyme
Other versions of Herbes de Provence include basil, bay leaf, chervil, and fennel! Essentially, it’s a flavourful combination of herbs, which grow in abundance not far from the sea in Provence.
Whichever version you make, I hope you’ll agree, it can elevate our meals! Imagine the satisfaction of growing all of these herbs yourself!”

Tian Provencal by Stephen Cooks French
Stephen Cooks French
I also could not resist contacting my best Instagram pal, Stephen, who lives in the UK and cooks French.
He kindly sent me the ingredients for his Tian Provencal, a vegetable tart (no crust) made with Herbes de Provence.
Stephen uses tomato sauce laced with garlic and herbes de Provence along with finely sliced tomato, eggplant, and zucchini with olive oil.
On my list to try.
FYI – Stephen takes the most tantalizing pictures of his dishes!
You can find them on Instagram at #stephencooksfrench.
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How to Retire to Provence
Tuesday, September 14th, 2021
12:30 EST/9:30 am Pacific/6:30 pm Paris/5:30 London
Gayle Smith Padgett, a native of Washington state and author of Passion For Provence,
will relate with her witty candour and humour how moving to France
was an unlikely choice for an American who studied Spanish and Latin American Studies,
lived in Mexico and South America and worked in Germany for half her career.
Yet it happened and now she and her husband Ralph have happily settled into the charming town of Saint-Remy-de-Provence.
Follow Gayle on her website at https://gaylesmithpadgett.com/
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Brought to you by www.womanofacertainageinparis.com

Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
Once upon a time, a friend gave me a little sac of Herbes de Provence – and I was so delighted with the scent, that I kept it handy to sniff occasionally. Never cooked with it though! Just enjoyed the aroma!!!
I know…they often just stay in the cupboard. Time to get them out Gretchen and make ratatouille! Best to you, Diana
Diana you have gifted me this small jar of heavenly herbs and it makes any savoury dish tres bon! I didn’t realize that Carol Little was a herbalist! And Stephen Cooks French is wonderful! I follow him on IG and his dishes are so artistic!! We must make this Tomato Tatin!🍅🍆🥒!🥧
And you are such a good cook, you know how to use them! Diana
I frequently use Herbs de Provence on grilled fish, pork chops, chicken, prawns, etc. in the summertime and in soups and stews in the winter! They add wonderful flavour!
They really are good on everything aren’t they? I may try making my own concoction just for fun…best to you Margaret Ann, Diana