Paris Packing List!

I admit when I am in Paris, I pay more attention to my overall attire.
More than I would on any other vacation that’s for sure, carefully coordinating my outfits, and adding a beautifully draped or knotted scarf accented with jewelry and French perfume.
I want to feel pulled together, elegant, sexy even— because that is what is great about Paris. Women can be sexy at any age!
I am under no illusions, however.
I am a North American woman trying to look French and I am not fooling anyone.
Even before I open my mouth, French women (and men?) can tell. I am not sure what gives me away first.
The clothes, the walk, the enthusiasm and the lack of a perpetual pout?
So be it. I am having fun doing what makes me feel French!

Packing List for Paris
So, what to pack for Paris where I strive to strike a balance between style and comfort?
This IS the first time that I will be there in the colder weather where I can expect the temperatures to be anywhere from 3 and 8 degrees Celsius/37 to 46 degrees Fahrenheit.
Note: I am not selling anything or representing any brand in this post. I am not a fashion blogger, although I talk about fashion from time to time — but for now, here is the list of items I am taking to Paris.
Keep in mind, I am going for a month so I am using my larger suitcase but you can adjust the following for your particular timeline.
Paris Packing List for Fall and Winter!

Found these cute low-cut waterproof boots for walking around in. Can add thicker socks for warmth!/What to pack for Paris!
1) Le Footwear
Two pairs of boots to wear out and about – those above I will wear on the plane.
Also taking my over-the-knee suede boots for added chic.

A lighter coat that I can layer. A hood is a must/What to Pack for Paris!
2. Les Coats
Two Coats. One wool (featured pic at top of the blog) and this lighter one above that I can layer underneath.
Both black.
Yeah, sorry, but it is easy to keep clean and goes with everything. Black and neutral colours, however bland, are very French.
3. Les Pants and Tops
I limit myself to four pairs of long pants and one pair of jeans, and about six tops in shades of white, cream, grey, and black that goes with everything and can be hand-washed.
4. Les Accessories
A couple of bags, gloves, and a few scarves. And oh yes, an umbrella.

Textured scarves are where I hope to add some flair!
5. Le Dressier Outfit and Lingerie
The only dressier outfit I am taking is below — a grey top with a faux leather skirt. So easy and useful. I can mix it up with other tops.

Sorry, Coco — no little black dress in this weather but close enough!
And a word about undergarments. French women pride themselves on dressing well not just on the outside but also the inside.
So definitely take some comfy panties and bras, but go out and splurge on some nice lingerie while you are in Paris.
It is one of the best things on which to spend your money.
And you will not regret how you feel wearing it. Very French!
I won’t show it to you but on my last trip, I bought a lacy bra and panty set in a lovely rich maroon!
You are ready to go!
Allons y!
Am I missing anything?
Please send me your comments
where indicated below.
“French Lingerie” Blog Post
Check out my blog post called “French Lingerie” by CLICKING HERE!
Paris Undressed!
You can see and also purchase a great book about French Lingerie
called Paris Undressed by Kathryn Kemp-Griffin.
So good!
Brought to you by

Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
Ya, you forgot me…!!!
Safe travels Diana and have a fabulous time! 🛫💞
hi Diana! HA my thought processes exactly! BUT I will only be there a few days and possibly will move my few days to January! But I only travel with a carry on, so my choices are much more limited. STILL, I feel the same way about looking more chic there than, say, in Provence where I will be spending about 4 weeks. Two pairs of boots, tall and short, both good for walking, are a must. Only two pairs of pants, cute stretchy black and skinny jeans (or cords) maybe one cute dress. For me, though, it’s now all about comfort. I decided I HATE tights and will never wear them again.. maybe leggings that can pass for tights:) Not heavy a coat, because walking fast warms me up and I hate to be overheated! Maybe leather jacket, Definitely scarf, gloves.
Have a super wonderful month in gay Paree! Looking forward to LOTS of photos, Diana!!
I love your ensemble! Please post on Instagram with all your adventures xo
Yes planning to. Thanks Rhonda. Wish you were coming. Diana
I have spent several Decembers and Januarys in Paris and layers are the key. I have a packable light down coat worn over turtlenecks and when it becomes really cold, I can wear it as a layer under a warmer coat. Warm leggings and colorful socks and low boots with good soles in case I have to stand in a line outside the Orsay. Also at least one large shawl/scarf to wrap around my neck outdoors and then use as a shawl In drafty interiors And look for a new winter chapeau on the Île de la Cité. Amusez-vous bien.
Thank you Maribeth, I think it is quite novel to go at this time of year. I love the cozy-ness of it too.
But with COVID numbers rising I will be careful going into cafes and restaurants. If it is warm enough with a heater or a blanket I will sit outside. Love the idea of that. Thank you for your advice. Much appreciated. Diana
Bonjour Diana , I will be in Paris on the1/2 nd Dec just 2 days up from Cognac … I stay at the Waldorf hotel Montpanesse….. I don’t know where you will be but would love to catch up … you can contact me on my email I am on face book if you would like to check me out 🤣Kindest regards
Bon voyage, Diana!
I can’t wait to hear all your stories from Paris.
Have an awesome trip!
Hi! As you may recall, we were there in 2019 for 12 days over Christmas. Your packing sounds perfect to me! Don’t forget gloves. The average daytime temperature for us was around 12 degrees, so layering was a perfect way to address the temperature. The outdoor cafés, many with blankets already in the chairs, were wonderful! Enjoy!
Daytime high of 2 today and starting to snow – 12 degrees is positively tropical brrrr. I’ve told Diane also to bring hat, gloves and thick thermal tights to wear with those cute ankle boots and leather skirt.
All of the above are in my suitcase Lindy. I enjoy the cooler weather anyway and like the fact that there are fewer tourists.
Keep you posted. Are you in Paris over the next month? Diana
Gloves –yes I have them Erica. I am here now and love the cooler weather for getting out and walking. More to relate on Sunday.
Thanks for checking in. Diana
Yes, how are you planning you covid tests and papers? Have a great trip! I might be there too!
No COVID test to go to France, only on the return. The numbers are going up again but France is coming down with tougher restrictions which they should have enforced all along. I will being careful. Best to you and thank you for the concern. Diana
Hi Diane, I will be in Paris the first part of December. I would add thick, thermal wool tights and some jeans to tuck into those knee boots – it has just started snowing – and don’t forget your hat and gloves.
Head to Angelina’s for a choc chaud – bisous. LIndy
Bon voyage Diana!!!! How long are you staying? A Christmas vacation – merveilleux!!!!!
A whole month I hope. Not a vacation… lots of work as I have several writing projects on the go and after two years need material for the blog of course. But all of that involves getting out to see museums etc. and meeting with many new contacts. It is a labour of love my friend. Best to you, Diana
What part of Paris are you staying in? Most of my friends live in eastern districts that remain somewhat more affordable, except one couple (professeurs émérites) who live not far from les Jardins de Luxembourg. I don’t take a lot of clothing – the only trousers I take are black jeans And at least something bluish red or forest green. Of course the coat is also black, covers the hips but not too long. My purchases are mainly books and art supplies. Though at least half the books are gifts from authors
I’ve spent les Fêtes in Paris a couple of times and enjoyed it – low key, nothing gaudy.and a gathering for friends of all religions, or none.
I’m green with envy. One day I hope to see Paris when you are there! Have a great time.
I may be planning a ladies trip in 2023…far off but we can dream. Would love to introduce my friends in North America to the great women in Paris that I have meet and written about. Thank you Barbara for the comment. I so appreciate your continued support. Diana
I am here now Maria. Just arrived and jet lagged. It takes me a few days to shake it, and of course being careful as well.
I am in the 6th right near the Arc de Triomphe. A great neighbourhood and building. Bakery steps out the door. Keep you posted.
Love your informative blog.
Its been two years since we have been back to France..because of covid….cant wait to return.
Agree with what you bring …black, accessories etc…and always some glam earrings. etc in the evening
Looking forward to your update. Enjoy !
Id rather be in Paris as the saying goes!
Hi Tricia .. well I have just arrived and many women are wearing their winter attire. Black of course.
Will have lots to tell you in this next week’s blog. Thanks so much for the comment and I do hope you get back to Paris soon! Diana
Bonjour, Diana,
Vous vous souvenez de votre Paris Greeter ? Je vous suis fidèlement sur le blog et serais ravie de vous revoir pour de nouvelles aventures.. Je reste à Paris jusqu’au 15 décembre. Je vous recommande le nouveau Musée de la Marine , Place de la Concorde.
Si vous voulez voir des Icônes de la mode ( il ne s’agit que rarement de vraies parisiennes… ) sorties tout juste des vitrines de l’avenue Montaigne et dont les fringues portés – bijoux compris – doivent avoisiner les 10000 €
Testez le Café Lapérouse dans l’enceinte de ce Musée , l’endroit est féerique , le service très médiocre et les petit snack exquis et délicieux ( Oeuf de poule plein air cuit 8;5 minutes à 80° avec 5 mouillettes accompagné d’un coquetier de saumon fumé en petit cube , tatoué au initiales de l’explorateur Lapérouse et ouvert en grande cérémonie avec un genre de guillotine pour oeuf… et pour 14 € vous avez votre nouvel article…. Chic, cher et very funny..
Et je me suis laissée dire que devant les bijoutiers de la place Vendôme il y a la queue…
Bon voyage, n’oubliez pas votre pass sanitaire et vos masques!