Emily In Paris Revisited!

As you may know after reading my previous blogs, I have been a bit hard on this Series.
Perhaps because I am such a fan of Paris and protective of its brand and the evolution of its brand, I am critical of all the clichés it reinforced from the first episode:
Older French women smoke and are bitchy and impossibly thin like actress Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu’s character Sylvie Grateau. (Although I admit the actress plays this role to a “T”. )
French men are all drop-dead gorgeous, terrible flirts and not to be trusted.

Yes, exactly!
And the clothes, well, mostly outrageous and ridiculous — but how can Emily and her roommate Mindy afford these designer outfits anyway? (I guess it is no surprise that Emily in Paris is by the same creator as Sex in the City)

This one defied description.
Emily and Mindy live together in a “chambre de bonne”, a former’s maid’s room! Have you ever seen or stayed in a “chambre de bonne?” If so, you know they are the size of a large broom closet, not the expansive layout that they share in this story.
And the list goes on … and so with a similar mindset, I was expecting more of the same when I tuned in finally to Season Four this fall.

The cast says the actors have become a kind of “family.”
But unexpectedly I have had a change of heart.
I couldn’t wait to see what was new with the cast, as I realized I had become fond of all of them, especially Emily’s quirky work colleagues, Julien and Lucy.

The dynamic work duo and Emily’s allies at Savoir, which is the name of their marketing firm.
I salivated over each imaginative and revealing creation and wondered how much fun it would be to try them on (if I was 20-something again that is — and no one would ever see me in them.)
I noticed that Emily found an elevated Paris chic in this episode. She is more sophisticated emulating an Audrey Hepburn look that suits her.

Emily’s new Paris chic
I revelled in every coffee, lunch, and cocktail in the various cafés and bars. I wanted to join them whenever they dropped by the restaurant where the chef is the dreamy Gabriel, Emily’s on again off again “amour.”
Although French people still cringe if you mention the series, I now admit that I have been somewhat of a curmudgeon about all of this.
Emily in Paris was never intended to be a reality series about life in Paris in the 2020s. Just the opposite, unbridled fun taunting us with every fixed and oversimplified example of Paris-ness about which we have heard or grown up.
So what happened to me?
After 3 seasons was I finally brainwashed by the Emily in Paris elixir? My initial cynicism, erased and replaced with bring on the fantasy. Let me soak in it like a luxurious bubble bath right up to my neck while I scarf down three croissants au beurre, yes plenty of beurre.
Ok so maybe I have lost my mind. But it is also not lost on me that our real world is in a delicate spot. Instability is rampant. The outcome is uncertain. The future feels so tenuous that I am, and perhaps you are too, ripe for harmless escape.
And just maybe also after the most memorably imaginative and surreal opening of the 2023 Paris Olympic Games of all time, Emily in Paris Season Four seems almost banal by comparison, or at least on a par with that depiction of the City of Light.
Either way, Season Four of Emily in Paris has impeccable timing.
I am ok with that and can’t wait for Season Five.
Still, I have a question.
Does Emily have a family back in Chicago? She was going to go home for Christmas. in Season Four (Spoiler Alert! That doesn’t happen.) But does she not have a mother or sibling who she calls when things get difficult? Seems odd.
What do you all think? Love to hear from you and you can post your comments at the bottom of this blog.

Are you in shock and awe in Season Four?
Community Billboard!
Room to Let in Paris!

Yes, that is the Eiffel Tower in the distance to the left in this picture– it lights up at night!

View from the living room
Another Great Opportunity
For A Week
of French Immersion
at a Chateau!
If you remember earlier this year, I did an online broadcast with Canadians Sara and Stephen Cole who purchased a 6,500 square foot 11-bedroom château in southwest France near Bordeau with 37 acres of land and two outbuildings, where they offer the most creative retreats and stays for tourists.
And one of our Paris Fan Club community, a loyal follower of this blog, Anne-Marie Fontaine is set to bring her and her husband’s innovative teaching methods to lead this immersive French language retreat at the historic Château de Saint-Germain-des-Prés in the picturesque Dordogne region from May 10-17, 2025.
Here is the information about the French Immersion Retreat:
Language, Cuisine & Culture Retreat in the heart of France. Here, you’ll practice French in real-life situations – during guided château tours, wine discovery chez nous, lively market visits, and relaxed evenings with locals. You’ll leave with newfound confidence, culinary skills, and genuine connections to French culture and people.
AND A Special Hello to
One of My Dedicated Readers!
And lastly just a shoutout to Bonnie in California! Bonnie is a loyal reader of my blog and comments so often that I feel that I have made a new friend. Thank you, Bonnie. Thinking of you!
That’s all for now!
And don’t forget to leave a comment
below where indicated!
A la prochaine!
Brought to you
by www.womanofacertainageinparis.com

Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
EMILY IN PARIS was never a production that I ever watched! Guess I missed something. However, I share your need to occasionally step back from present day challenges, and take a breath – getting lost in a “bit of fluff” is probably just what the doctor ordered – so to speak!!!
Love your blogs, Diana.
I agree Diana, I was reluctant at first, as it was over the top but I also settled in, got over my fine self, and just enjoyed. In fact, I was recently in France for three weeks and visited Emily’s home in Paris, the small park in front of her home and Gabriel’s restaurant (different name in reality). The outdoor location is near the Pantheon. It was fun to see the location (I wasn’t the only fan there by the way, I was in good company) though all the interior shots are shot in LA it was still a kick to see where so much of the outdoor scenes are shot. It’s a great area. They chose well. Bring on season 5 in Rome….costumes and all….
Voilà, on frôle l’incident diplomatique à cause d’Emily. Ce que les féministes en pense:
Solution : inviter tout le monde à s’asseoir et à regarder quelques épisodes d’Emily in Paris, afin que les dirigeants européens se rendent compte que si la série peut stimuler le tourisme, elle n’est rien d’autre que le baiser de la mort stéréotypé pour vos pays respectifs. ( utilisez deepl.com pour la traduction….
Chère Diana!
Reste dans ton bain de bulles si cela te réconforte , nous avons tous besoin de rêver…. mais il est vrai qu’une chambre de bonne partagée ne pourrait jamais conntenir la garderobe d’Emiliy et de sa copine . Espérons qu’aucune jeune fille au pair ou aspirante mannequin ne croit possible de telles aventures improbables.
Continue à nous faire rêver, aussi celles qui habitent ce PARIS imprévisible, bruyant, très cher et souvent impitoyable et violent.
Marita, your Paris Greeter
Diana, it was an enjoyable experience to open WOCA every Sunday, I’ll miss your great sense of adventure, humor and exposure of amazing, fantastic Women who hold success, independence and their personal experience (struggles,and heartbreak) shared.
Understanding how when your body speaks to us on the importance of taking a sabbatical to rejuvenate. Good luck with your continuing journey and hopefully you keep your followers informed. Will miss my Sunday morning blog posts.
Grace M.
Grace, thank you for this very kind note. I like the idea that I am taking a “sabbatical”. I do think the creative mind needs
to sit idle for a while instead of having my nose in my computer all the time. It will be refreshing to pay attention
to what is going on around it for a change. I look forward to absorbing what is out there for me.
Best to you! For now, Diana