Paris’s Covered Passages

Paris’s Covered Passages go back to the 1800s before paved streets and sewers.
Where did people, especially the wealthy, go to do their shopping and dine?
To the covered Passageways that provided warm, dry and appealing places to browse, eat and pick up the latest fashion trends.
It took my dear friend Martinn who lives in Paris to point this out to me.
“You don’t know about the passageways?” she asked me incredulously.
I had perhaps stumbled into one traipsing around the city on my regular visits, but without giving it much purposeful thought.
This is why Martinn seemed surprised, as Parisians take their historical heritage very very seriously, and decided that I was in dire need of a properly guided tour.

In the window of Caffè Stern in Passage des Panoramas
At the height of popularity, there were 150 covered passageways in Paris.
However, with the advent of department stores, many fell into disrepair and were torn down.
Only about 18 remain and those have been meticulously updated and renovated.
Each has its own history and personality.
Galerie Vivienne

Outside a flower shop in Galerie Vivienne/Paris’s Covered Passages
Galerie Vivienne in the 2nd arrondissement was built in 1823 and falls into the category of “très élégante.”
It is 176 metres long (577 ft) with high vaulted archways, chandeliers, mosaic-tiled floors, and stores brimming with wine, cheese fashion, antiques, and home furnishings.

Posh Galerie Vivienne

Love the glass roof

Intricately tiled floors
Galerie Vero Dodat
Galerie Vero Dodat (1st arrondissement) is also high-end with a long corridor of restored panelling, painted frescoes on the ceilings, and stunning shops where almost the cheapest item could cost a month’s salary.

Galerie Vero-Dodat has the loveliest wood panelling/Paris’s Covered Passages

Ceiling frescoes

Delightful antique stores

And a shop that sells original handmade gloves
Passage des Panoramas
Another of Paris’s covered passages is Passage des Panoramas (2nd arrondissement) which is the oldest of the covered passageways in Paris.
With its various restaurants and “sidewalk” settings where people can gather, it exudes a lively warmth the first two do not have.

Passage des Panoramas with its side-walk seating/Paris’s Covered Passages

Duck and champagne are on the menu at this resto!
Passage Jouffroy
I adored the Passage Jouffroy (9th arrondissement).
Its shops offer a sense of whimsy, and it also houses the Hotel Chopin, the oldest hotel in Paris which has been running since the “passage” was created in 1846.

Entrance to Galerie Jouffroy/Paris Covered Passages

A shop that specializes in umbrellas and canes

At the far end is an entrance to the Hotel Chopin
I have the others to explore and discover, and with all of Paris’ outward beauty, the covered passageways are just another of those special draws that reveal themselves like a beautifully wrapped gift and never fail to delight!
Let me know your favourites!
PLEASE comment at the bottom of the blog!
I love to hear from you!
PS. Thank you Martinn for the tour! You can find out more about Martinn and her apartment (adorable!) that she rents (month-long rentals or more) in Paris by clicking HERE!
Paris Pot Pourri!

Photo Courtesy Netflix — Emily in Paris
Have you caught up with Emily In Paris on Netflix yet?
Her wardrobe knows no bounds in “millennial chic”, is still awful!
(“amusant” — not in a good way)
–and completely impractical for Paris weather!
But Emily’s and the other characters’ love interests are as dreamy as ever,
and French actress Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu (58) rocks it on the Riviera
in an itsy bitsy teenie weenie bikini,
and with her new boyfriend who people think is her son.
Have You Missed My Other Paris Adventures?
Catch up on my blogs by CLICKING HERE!
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Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
Interesting. They have them in London where they are called Arcades. Same era.
Can’t wait to see them when I get back to Paris.
I am very excited to check out these passages and can hardly wait to get to Paris. 🤞soon enough.
Loved this article on the covered passageways Diana! My favourite is Galerie Vivienne. Also good to know about Martinn’s apt. rentals!! Thanks! Enjoy your stay!
What a fascinating and delightful discovery- the passageways of Paris!!!
You would love them Gretchen!
I so want to explore the covered passageways of Paris now that i know about them ! Thank you for uncovering this secret ! Debbie Travis’ book is ordered and so looking forward to your interview ! xo
We will have to visit them together BF!
Of course there would be covered passageways in Paris. I’m SO happy to see your photos of a few of them and some of their shoppes !!!
…. re my 1st sentence … everything in Paris is beautiful!!!
Thank you Trudy! Happy New Year to you! I am so glad that you will be joining us on Wednesday for Debbie Travi’s interview.Best, Diana
Great Blog post Diane. One of the first places that my husband took me to when we were ‘courting’ in Paris was to visit these beautiful arcades – you have rekindled them for me and I am going to have a little wander next time I go into town. Lindy
Happy New Year Linda Annn — How wonderful to have known about these arcades! I will certainly follow up to see the others. Great to hear from you as always. Diana
For all Paris visitors: the Paris Greeters offers you free walks ; ” les passages” c’est mieux avec un accompagnateur.
Hello, Diana, je suis heureuse que tu aies pu faire cette balade. Jolies photos… mais malheureusement le déclin des passages par manque de fréquentation ( et des prix trop élevés..) se poursuit. Ifaut se dépêcher avant que le dernier magasin se transforme en fast food pour touristes.
Marita, your Paris Greeter
Marita — you are so right… engaging a Paris Greeter like yourself to visit these arcades is a splendid idea… next time.. you and me!
I so very much enjoyed our day together in Paris. Cannot wait until I see you again, Diana