Best Friends in Paris

My closest friend, Shardie, and I had an AHA moment in Paris!
Here it is — Women of a Certain Age are not SELFIE material.
This is what we discovered when the two of us headed out to wait for the moment when the world’s most recognizable tourist attraction, the Eiffel Tower, transforms with breathtaking splendor into a dazzling light show. This happens when it gets really dark for just five minutes every hour on the hour.
We were in the company of hundreds of other tourists. Many of them were young people, who as soon as the 20,000 light bulbs adorning the iron lady began to twinkle like diamonds in the sky, scrambled to pose perfectly and prettily for all the pictures, videos and selfies they could get on their smart phones in five minutes! With much less experience at doing this and also feeling the pressure, Shardie and I too began madly snapping away.
All we wanted was ONE good selfie! One good photo of the two of us together celebrating in Paris that we have been each other’s closest and dearest friend for almost 50 years, ever since we first met in high school.
Instead this is what happened. We took a picture. It was awful. Delete!
Another. Worse! Delete!
Then we just started laughing. And clicking. Laughing and clicking. Click click, click.
And so, we won’t win any beauty contests, and we certainly did not instantly post them to Facebook or Instagram like everyone else seem to be doing but in hindsight, I love the pictures, these two in particular.
This is who we are. Two friends who have been through thick and thin together. We have not always lived near each other. There were years where we were too busy with our individual lives to see or talk to each other except maybe once a year. But it didn’t matter. We just picked up where we left off. We always were and continue to be there for one another and we always, always find something to laugh about. Often to the point of hilarity.
I don’t know exactly know when we started to look like each other. People now stop us regularly to ask if we are sisters. Yes, I say, in a past life.
But it makes me realize that as we-women get older, our close friends become more important and precious to us.
So Paris may be the city of romance, but being in Paris with a good friend — well it’s really the most fun of all, and as the French say, “c’est un cadeau” — it’s a gift!
Send me your comments! Have you travelled with your BF to Paris or elsewhere?

Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
Diana, I loved this blog because It’s about you and Shardie! It’s so nice to have a friend for so many years. I too have one of those friends and we have been friends for 34 years ever since my first full-time insurance job. We haven’t been to Paris together but have been to Sonoma, Napa, San Francisco, LA, Mexico, and many Canadian cities. It all started with our very first trip to NYC when we first met! We are prefect travel companions and know each other so well. Maybe one day we will try to take some selfies at the Eiffel Tower just like you and Shardie.
I love hearing this Terri — it is so special to have those memories isn’t it? And many many laughs! Thanks for
sharing your story!
I love watching you too having such a great time together!! it could be anywhere but Paris is special.
Well with the Eiffel Tower behind us, it was definitely Paris!
I think girlfriends are more important than husbands! Some of mine go back to our kindergarten years. As for selfies, previous failed efforts required trauma counselling!
That is so funny! I think Shardie and I will sign up for that counselling.
By the way Lynda, Love love love Boomer
In the late 90s, my BF since we met at university in 1971, went to Martha’s Vineyard, We relished the place through new eyes – those of our friendship 🙂
That must have been fun! Thanks for sharing Trudy!
It’s so wonderful that you both have remained close friends for so many years. May you share many more stories together in the coming years!
Thank you Anne, And your friendship means so much to us too. Thank you for following my blog. Love to get comments, Diana
I love your friendship story! I lost my two best friends within months of each other last year.. One to cancer and one from a fall. Sandy, my cousin, and I grew up like sisters only better – we didn’t ever fight! My family and Diane’s family move in next door to each other at the same time when we were just 2 years old -72 years ago. Oh we had such great times together. And the laughter! Your story brought back such memories. I am blessed with a fabulous husband that is my best friend and lover but, oh, I miss my ‘girl’ friends…..
Thank you so much for sharing this! I bless every moment that I have with my friends especially as we all get older. You have reminded me to do that! Thank you for following my blog! Diana