My Postcard To Paris

Hello all —
First of all, I pray that you and your families are well and safe wherever you are.
Like me, I am sure that you cannot begin to digest or absorb all that has transpired in the last few weeks.
I am trying to process our world unnerved, where there is so much anxiety, but oddly also a sense of global connection like never before.
Our differences and distances no longer matter. We are all equal in this.
I realize that, for me and for you too, a trip to Paris is out of the question perhaps for sometime.
But I am reminded that Paris is also not just a place to visit.
It is a state of mind.
I am not there but I can still feel the Paris I know and love.
Even if the streets are deserted, the cafes empty, its citizens on lockdown, I try to remember the day I stood in awe of Edgar Degas’ masterpiece Dinner At the Ball at the Musée D’Orsay.
I can still feel what it is like to sit quietly on a bench in the hidden Jardin Des Archives, joke with the waiter at Café Charlot or buy a ham and cheese crêpe hot off the grill from the street vendor on rue Mouffetard.
These are the things that keep drawing me back to Paris and why I started this blog.
I don’t want to think about the parks closed, the Eiffel Tower shut down, the carousels no longer turning. But — and this gives me comfort,
I can still feel the heart and soul of the Paris I know and love.
And I hope to keep bringing that feeling to you.
A special welcome to new Subscribers that joined us in March —
Lamar Mason from Portugal, Jennifer Marien. Hilda Brunski, Anne Cira, and Jane Bradley from Canada, and Michelle Winters from the US.
Thank you for joining my tribe! And please tell your friends.
This is a great time to go back and feel Paris with some of my previous blogs.
I invite you to visit my website at
And to make everything a little easier to bear,
Stay tuned for the Giveaways I will be starting again soon!

Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
I love Paris in the springtime and every hour of the day…..,
Yes, even when we are not there.
Hi everyone, warm greetings fr Singapore !!
Thank you all for sharing here. I am missing Paris/France too especially at this time .
Served a French Brunch on last Sunday to nurse my soul. Crepes w hazel nut chocolate sauce and Quiche Lorriance..Every one in the family was so cheered by this special surprise as we normally have our dumplings w sesame oil & vinegar and Cantonese Porridge on Sunday.
Please do continue to write and share ! Thank you all very much.
Felice, Great to hear from you in Singapore. Brilliant idea in having a French meal — yum.
I would also like to be sharing dumplings with you though too — please keep sending your comments. Diana
It feels surreal here in Paris, but there is a silver lining. I have witnessed a lot of #coronakindness. People checking in with others more than they used to. More smiles when you cross a lone stranger on your way to do groceries. And the 8pm clapping on the balconies has created a stronger sense of community. Last night my 13-year daughter said: “I had no idea we had so many neighbours! People actually live there?”.
Times are really tough for small businesses in the food and hospitality industry, especially after the transport strikes in December, but I haven’t given up trying to share my knowledge about champagne. I now host online video chats about champagne. Now women who couldn’t physically attend my classes in Paris can. Champagne-lovers unite!
Cynthia — So great to hear you and your family are well. Of course, we are a few weeks behind all of you in France
but things are moving rapidly here too. #coronakindness. I love that.
And while the liquor stores are still open (there will be riots if they close!) champagne is a treat we can all give
ourselves to make things a little easier. Sharing it with friends on Skype or ZOOM.
I will soon be doing a post of how small business owners like ourselves are adapting to the new reality so I will
be delighted to include you online Video chats. Keep me posted, Diana
Last Thursday 10 women joined me for a session about Pairing Champagne and Food. They were from Argentina, USA, Canada, Belgium and France. Some drank champagne during the session, others drank sparkling wines from their countries, some drank whatever wine they had in the fridge, and one even drank sparkling water! It was just nice to connect, meet new women from around the globe, learn something new, and a very excuse to pour yourself a glass of champagne. In the movie “Old Acquaintance” Bette Davis said: “There comes a time in every woman’s life when the only thing that helps is a glass of champagne.” My sentiments exactly these days! I have scheduled more sessions. You can check my latest newsletter for details.
Outstanding. I would be delighted to promote these for you as I am sure my readers might want to join in! Diana
Yes Paris emits a “special feeling”. I am so happy u will continue w these weekly bright spots i an otherwise very serious world right now. I know i “need” it!
Yes that feeling we can have anytime we want it! I will keep writing when I can! Thank you for your support.
I have weekly online video calls with Christine Camm of (I won a class with her late last year). We chat in French for 30 minutes then switch to English to talk about marketing. We both win since I get to learn french while I help her with marketing!
We’ve been doing this since before these uncertain and difficult times. Our weekly call is one of my bright spots and I look forward to it every week.
By the way, you can fill some of your time and travel to France virtually by bettering your French with her 🙂
Keep well and keep communicating with others!!!!
That sounds wonderful Trudy — Yes, I am promoting lessons with Christine on the HomePage of this website.
With lots of time on one’s hands, no better time to learn a language. Thanks for your comment. Diana
Dearest Diana …. the City of Light shines through all this and we can see the end of the tunnel!! Thank you for connecting us all with your gift of eloquently saying what we all feel! Stay strong , stay safe and stay you my BFF! Love always!! ?
To all those who are on this blog … be safe! ❤️
Thank you so much for the comment, BF. Even if I cannot spend time with during this crisis, it is so good to know you are there! We will visit Paris again one day. Diana
My My how time flies! Last time I Iooked you were in Paris and I was in Collingwood. Now you’re in Collingwood and I’ve moved to Old Oakville. Let’s hope late spring brings us closer together once again. In the meantime keep your memories of Paris coming…they add a definite sparkle , a certain je ne sais quois to my day. It makes me happy to see those streets and places through your eyes.
How fab to hear from you! You moved??? I did not know that. No more girls nights in the Wood? Well I guess we won’t be
doing that again for awhile anyway right?
I am so thrilled that you are reading my blog and I love hearing from you. Please do again. Diana