Home Sweet Home

“Spring has sprung. The grass has riz. I wonder where the birdies is.”
Author unknown but suspected to be from Brooklyn, New York
It’s been more than a month now, hasn’t it? Give or take, depending on where you are, that we have been cut off from so many of our friends and loved ones.
The shock, heightened drama and the adrenalin of this crisis is wearing off. Now we are in deep realizing that we have to live this way for a while…
That put me into a bit of funk last weekend, which was ok because I started to look around me.
In the last few years, I have nourished my soul with dreams of that next trip to Paris — reading, planning and imagining that “escape”, and perhaps not altogether present to my surroundings.
Confined to my home in Canada where there are no plans ahead, I am taking stock of how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful place.

Georgian Bay Ontario
“Spring Has Sprung”
Spring is arriving by inches in my neck of the woods.
We had snow three days this week, which melted except on Blue Mountain at the now abandoned ski resort. Often they ski here until the first week of May.

View from my living room window
“Grass Has Riz”
There are green patches of grass emerging but the trees are still bare.
I hadn’t noticed before how much easier that makes it to enjoy our jaw-dropping sunsets and pink skies.

Just the other night from my livingroom window and outdoor deck
“I Wonder Where The Birdies Is”
Is it just my imagination but are there more birds this year?
My home has lots of windows and a balcony that looks out to an enormous lake (Georgian Bay) to the north and into a field to the west.
There are two doves that lite on the railing every spring. Up to now, they seemed like a bit of a nuisance.
Now I look forward to seeing them and have named them — Art and Cil after my parents. Cil is very grounded, while Art has a lot of nervous energy. He doesn’t stop moving and also does most of the “talking” or cooing rather.
I realize this could be his mating dance. Or it could be my father reincarnate. The man never stopped talking!
I love that they keep coming back, as if they are checking up on me.

The doves that come back year after year.
In fact, I have starting naming the other wildlife too — after French writers.
There’s Hugo (after Victor Hugo), a little red squirrel that lives under the tree next to my townhouse. He darts past the patio doors in my office at 5:30 pm every day reminding me to stop working.
I tried and failed to get a photo of the pair of swans that inhabit our bay, but two of my neighbours took up the challenge.

Photo by Bruce Patterson
I have named them Simone (de Beauvoir) and Jean-Paul (Sartre) and they will soon be finding a nesting spot. Almost every year they hatch two cygnets that we all watch grow up and then fly away to make their own lives.

Photo by Lisa Beausoleil
A steady stream of people are walking their dogs on the trail right outside my house and with everyone home, it really is a dog’s life.

My neighbour Lynn walks a little dog named Brandy for an elderly couple who are self-isolating.

What will inhabit the bird house this year?
Ribbons and ribbons of Canada Geese are returning from the north.
Voltaire, Balzac, Malraux, Zola, Proust — ok, I may be overdoing it.
Two bright yellow finches are doing what also appears to be a mating dance on the fir tree outside my southern window.
I am surprised how little of this “Spring Theatre” I ever noticed before.
So much for which to be grateful. So much to enjoy in our own backyards.
A gift that I will take a little less for granted in this unprecedented era of COVID-19.
Good health to you all!
What are you appreciating about home these days?
Please share your comments below.
We all enjoy hearing from you!
OH And By the way!
My friend Kathryn (Kate) Kemp-Griffin is holding a Virtual Mindfulness and Meditation Retreat starting next Saturday.
It is Six Days Two-Hours a day in the luxury of an attentive and deeply supportive community.

Kathryn Kemp-Griffin, author of Paris Undressed!
Kate will guide and help us find the stillness and calm within to ensure your well-being.
“Are you feeling strangely disconnected from your body? Is your mind filled with uncertainty and doubt? You are not alone! Our future is filled with unprecedented possibility and potential although it doesn’t feel that way. Our minds anxious, our bodies restless. These are overwhelming times. Without the external elements of our day-to-day lives to distract us, being alone with ourselves is unfamiliar — and, at times, unbearable.”
Come Sit With Me with Kate Kemp-Griffin is a In the privacy of your own home, with a small group of like-minded women on Zoom, you will receive:
• Guided Meditation
• Breathing Techniques
• Inspired Readings
• Journaling Exercises
• Access to Private Facebook Group
• Bi-Weekly Sharing Circle
This virtual retreat takes place online — in the sanctuary of your body. Kate’s experience teaching mindfulness in schools and hosting daily meditations on Instagram has provided a unique opportunity to create powerful connections that transcend age, experience, and geographical locations.
By the end of the 6-day retreat, you will have developed greater emotional well-being, gained mental clarity, and learned how to build — or reinforce — the foundation of your own practice.
Retreat Details
Dates : April 25 – May 1, 2020
Time: Daily from 4pm – 6pm CET (Paris) via Zoom (check for you time zone)
Price: 50€ = $55 USD/$76 CAD/£44/$85 AUD (these are approximate based on current rates)
(Note: All Zoom sessions will be recorded and available for you to watch later if you are unable to attend or want to revisit a session.)
You can register at:
or by contacting Kate directly at;
Terms and Conditions
I do not derive any commissions from offering this retreat to you. I am strictly supporting Kate in this venture. However, any products that I giveaway are personally purchased at my own expense unless otherwise specified. I provide all the ideas, content and photographs on my site unless otherwise specified. And I respect the privacy of my subscribers and do not share their information with any other party or organization.

Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
BRAVO & Refreshing. YES YES & OUI OUI! Connection with nature is something so fabulous and has brought me, (personally) many years of fulfillment, lasting for years actually, I think about 8 years of complete fulfillment. So back to nature I go for more fulfilled tranquillity, it filled me up and with this centring, wow… I felt more alive and more able to enjoy even just me, on my own, who knew? LOLLL. Filling up on nature is the way to go! Where ever you are. TY Diana, brilliant. 🙂 Canada to Paris, will happen again, I am sure. #stayhome #staysafe #wehealthy #parislove #travelfrommykitchen #onlyonsundays
Tam — thank you for your comment. Nature is really something isn’t it? And I am glad the planet is getting a respite from all of galavanting around! One blessing. Please continue to share with us. Diana
Ahhh, that’s lovely Diana. A mindfulness meditation on Home.
I caught up on the pearl blog this morning, and inspired by all the fabulous pictures and comments of your subscribers, I’m heading upstairs to dig out my pearls. I’ll be donning them immediately, in my bathrobe. They’ll look fabulous.
You are right Charlotte… a real mindful moment indeed. We are so lucky to live in Canada with all the wide open spaces. Thank you for your comment! Diana
And the chickadees, are they Louis, Antoinette, Jean-Guy and Marie?
How about the Blue Jays? Did you name them Carlos and Jose?
No Blue Jays yet but looking forward to that! I hope you are seeing some where you are! Diana
I live in an apartment in Toronto and can’t go out (I’m 70 and have a chronic condition). Outside my living room window is a school but on this side of it are great big pine trees. One of my brothers in London, Ontario often posts photos of birds (and soon plants) in his back yard.
I learned when I had this debilitating stroke 15 years ago, to cherish everything even if it’s a tiny thing.
I feel grateful for everything. And just as spring comes after winter “this too shall pass”!. The birds sing and the flowers push up and grow every year!
You are taking care of yourself…good for you Trudy! But there is always something outside of our window worth seeing right?
Thanks so much for commenting. Stay well — Diana
BFF ….I’ve been on your deck and in your living room and know that nature abounds outside your window. You truly have a natural theatre and “this “ has allowed you the opportunity of really being part of this world!
I love that you have named the myriad of birds that visit you and I look forward to meeting Arthur and Cilla myself!
As you know , I don’t look out on the lake but my back garden is truly “ wind in the willows” ….birds yes , cardinals and now two hawks , squirrels , chipmunks , a skunk ; Pepe la pew , raccoons and possums. I need to be better at sharing my space with those squirrels! Perhaps if I name them?!
Thank you so much BF for this beautiful comment. It made me wish that you were here…so hard not to have a all girls weekends just to shop, try new restaurants, walk in nature and gab… we can still gab though — and we do!!!!