
Welcome Back Dear Readers!
And welcome to a new season of Woman of A Certain Age In Paris!
Lots in store for you in the coming months making the most of virtual travel until we can do the real thing again.
I thought I would start off with a fall visit to Strasbourg!
In just under two hours by train east from Paris in Alsace, you can be strolling the streets of Strasbourg, a pretty medieval city right on the border between France and Germany.
In fact, Strasbourg feels more German than French.
The historic part of this city is actually on an island called Grande Île surrounded by the Ill river which runs parallel to the Rhine about 4 kilometers away.

The river Ill
September is the best time to be there when the temperatures are still warm but the air is crisp and clear. And despite all the tourists, local life seems uninterrupted and serene.

Two nuns on their way to the cathedral
I was interested in seeing two things in particular. The famous cathedral or La Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg, whose origins begin in the 12th century, was once upon a time the world’s tallest building, and is still visible almost anywhere you look in Strasbourg.

The facade of the famous cathedral in Strasbourg is made of sandstone giving it that pink tinge.

You can see it from almost every street.
Strasbourg Astronomical Clock
Of even more interest to me was its astronomical clock, a Renaissance masterpiece of technology that my friends Astrid and Jean-Yves told me was a must-see.
In truth, we raced to get inside the cathedral in time to see the animated figures do their thing once a day at 12:30 pm.
Above the three King’s clocks of various sizes are animated mechanisms that are the combined work of artists, mathematicians, and technicians over the centuries.
There are several rows of figurines. In the top row are the 12 disciples that roll past Jesus.
In the next row, four figures depicting the different ages, child, teenager, adult, and old man, parade before death.
Somewhere in the second clock, a rooster also crows, and then the bells begin to ding.
I had to jostle a little to find a spot to stand and look up, way up, to delight in this daily performance.
Over a loudspeaker, there is a call to hush as the din in the church rises with anticipation.
Taking pictures is almost impossible so I have added a video.

The parade before Death. Kinda spooky!
Kammerzel House
Another main attraction is the Kammerzell House, one of the oldest timber-style framed houses in Strasbourg. It was built in 1427.

Kammersell House is named after a local grocer.
Strasbourg is also a fine place to go if you are really really hungry for German fare, especially for protein and starch.
Here is the lunch I ordered. It was ample enough to have fed myself and my other two companions. I needed a doggie bag.
Bon Appétit!

A massive plate of choucroutte garnie, not a green vegetable in sight!
Winner of My Paris Book Club Giveaway!
I want to thank my new subscribers to my blog! I promised a Free Memoir to the 10th person who signed up this month.
That winner is Lesley Caygill from Barkwick, North Yorkshire, England.
Leslie has chosen Do Not Go Gentle, Go to Paris by Gail Thorell Schilling (You can click on the link to purchase it!)
Here’s my review.
The perfect memoir for women of a certain age. Rattled by fears that she is losing her keys, her looks, her job, and her sweetheart, Gail, 62, rashly announces that she will go to Paris, a dream postponed for 40 years. So begins her solo journey through France, living like a student as her budget often dictates, but always finding a silver lining in the choices she makes.
You will find yourself wondering how you would fare on such a trip and cheer Gail along with her optimistic, infinitely curious nature as she rebuilds her self-confidence and gets comfortable with how to age in her own way.
A great read!
Congrats, Leslie.
Here are the other nine new Subscribers. Thank you and welcome to our global community of women who love Paris and things French!
Nancy Flaherty
Donna Merrifield
Elizabeth Russell
Carolyne Rodrigues
Linda Viandier
Kathie Hernandez
Maris Da Luz Furtado
Martha Anda
Lisa Beausoleil
Lots more Giveaways coming up!
What Memoir Have You Read Lately?
Don’t forget to check out my BOOK CLUB PAGE to keep finding new memoirs about Paris and France written by women, the most comprehensive list you will not find anywhere else!
Disclosure Policy: This site uses affiliate links which may generate small commissions based on clicks and purchases. These commissions pay for administrative costs of publishing this blog, so I always appreciate it when you purchase through my links. Thank you for supporting me.
Any products that I giveaway are personally purchased at my own expense unless otherwise specified. I write all the content on my site unless otherwise specified. And I respect the privacy of my subscribers and do not share their information with any other party or organization

Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
I’ve never been to Strasbourg but I have been to Nancy which is 100 miles west of it. In 1971, I worked in the business school library at UWO while I studied for my BA. There I met a French guy from Nancy who was a foreign exchange student. Long story short – when I went to France that summer he invited me to his family home in Nancy!!!
That is also on my list…as well Annecy which I see from photographs is just gorgeous. Being an armchair traveler for the time being. Best to you Trudy and thank you for the comment. Diana
Wonderful to have the blog back to enjoy with my Sunday morning coffee. Thanks for including the video of the clock. Amazing work! I love the Book Club and look forward to reading more of the Paris theme books. Thanks Diana, enjoy your week.
Thank you for the comment! I am going to be interviewing some of the authors of the BOOK CLUB list and I hope you will enjoy that too Margaret Ann! Glad to be back. Diana
I’ve never been to Strasbourg but you have painted such a lovely pic that I must go.
I’m so glad that your blog is back! I’ve missed it!!❤️
You would love it as I did. We must go back!
Seems hard to believe now, but almost a year ago I was in Strasbourg. Enjoyed seeing the clock in action. There is a wonderful place for coffee/tea/pastries in the street directly in front of the cathedral (10 Rue Merciere) called Christian-Salon de Te. Walk through the smallish patisserie on the street level and through to a side alley door leading to a small open patio area where there is another door tucked back in the corner. Up a set of stairs to a couple of lovely and elegant high ceiling rooms, one with a tall, enclosed pastry stand in the middle. Wonderful place to take a break, enjoy the decor and the food/drink. Mostly filled with local people as it isn’t easy to find.
Hoping the business was/is able to survive the circumstances of this year.