Burst My Bubbles!

Forty-odd years ago when I first went to Paris, I wouldn’t even think of drinking water from the tap.
One look at the murky Seine river with centuries of pollutants was enough for me to do what Parisians do, buy bottled water instead, using it even to brush my teeth.
In restaurants as well, bottled water was the norm, and back then I was a little taken aback when sitting down for a meal I was asked if I wanted;
“Gas or no gas?”
It took me a second to realize they were, fortunately, talking about water.
Carbonated, sparkling water.
Perrier, Vichy, Badoit, Evian, Vittle, Volvic. Like wine, the French take their water seriously.
Fizzy Fountains
So I was super surprised to learn only recently that some time ago, the publicly owned water utility Eau de Paris began installing a limited number of fontaines pétillantes|sparkling water fountains around Paris.
I discovered this watching the Netflix documentary Series, Down To Earth, with American actor Zac Efron. (Really good!)
In the second episode, I learned that since 2010 regular tap water in Paris is more than safe to drink. It now comes mainly from aquifers and is strictly controlled for toxins and treated for pathogens, making it among the highest quality in Europe.

Many of the famous Wallace fountains offer high-quality drinkable water.
This drinkable water|l’eau potable is now available at more than 1000 fountains in Paris, some of the most beautiful in the world.
But they have also installed new public fountains in all 20 arrondissements that serve up the fizz that Parisians crave.

Filling up on the wine of water!
These fountains have CO2 carbonators built into their bases to create refreshing sparkling water from tap water chilled to a crisp 7 degrees Celsius (44 degrees Fahrenheit).
Not a new idea. The Italians were the first to adopt it.
BUT how did I not know this?

Note: Since COVID, sanitation facilities have been added to ensure safe use. Thanks to Cynthia Coutu for sending this picture!
Champagne or Sparkling Wine Anyone?
Speaking of bubbles and bubbly, I thought it might be a nice segue to remind you that you can join in on Delectabulle online webinars
Delectabulles is owned by Cynthia Coutu, a fellow Canadian living in Paris. Since Covid hit she has been offering webinars about pairing champagne with food, about the history of Champagne.
One of her trademark webinars this past week was “Bubbly Badasses: the History of Women in Champagne.”
Check out what is upcoming on offer here: https://www.delectabulles.com/en/calendar
or you can request a private bespoke webinar for just you and your friends.
See an earlier Blog Post I wrote about Cynthia by clicking on this LINK!

Cynthia Coutu, owner of Deletabulles!
Last Chance to Register!
Woman of a Certain Age in Paris
Presents This Coming Tuesday!
How To Fall In Love with A Frenchman!
My Exclusive Interview with Samatha Vérant,
Best-selling Author of “Seven Letters From Paris!”
TUESDAY, November 10th
12:30 pm EST/9:30 am Pacific/6:30 pm CET (Paris)/5:30 pm GMT (UK)
Click HERE to Register! It’s Free!
Don’t Miss Hearing Samantha’s amazing LOVE story,
and about her new novel just published this fall,
The Secret French Recipes of Sophie Valroux!
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Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
It’s so amazing that we didn’t see these additions to the beautiful Wallace water when we were walking around Paris two years ago! Who knew???!! I love Gaz! 🍾🥂
I know eh? They are probably right in front of us and we were not paying attention, or trying to be very Parisian and not carry around a water bottle!
Thanks for the comment, Shardie.
Three Cheers for BUBBLY – whether it be Champagne or Water!!!
Ha ha.. good one Gretchen. I am with you! Best to you, Diana