Remembering Shakespeare and Company

Virtual Adventures Club Update:
Looking forward to seeing all of you on Tuesday for my Interview, The Secret Life Of An American In Paris with Heather Stimmler, founder of
We are going to talk about Christmas in Paris, yes despite COVID, Paris is decked out for the holidays, along with some of Heather’s secret spots!
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TUESDAY, December 8th
12:30 pm EST/9:30 am Pacific/6:30 pm CET (Paris)/5:30 pm GMT (UK)
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Please READ all the way to the bottom to see
a GIVEAWAY BOOK DRAW just for you!

Heather Stimmler’s secret passageway!

Galeries Lafayette Christmas Tree Paris 2020
Have you been to Shakespeare and Company?
As a journalist and writer, I once harboured the dream of spending a night, and I mean overnight, at the world’s most famous independent book store, Shakespeare and Company in Paris.
I imagined myself tucking into one of the beds between the bookshelves after all the customers had left, and falling into an inspired sleep conjuring up the likes of its most famous patrons, such as, Gertrude Stein, James Joyce and Ezra Pound.
Had I done so, I would be among the 30,000 people dubbed “tumbleweeds” who have spent the night there, something that anyone can request as long as they help out in the bookstore for a few hours before turning in.
I actually only visited Shakespeare and Company for the first time a few years back.
The bookstore faces the Seine on the left bank in the Latin Quarter across from Notre Dame cathedral.
It’s Kelly Green exterior with the big yellow sign, and large windows piled high with books is artistic heaven reminiscent of the old world.
Stepping inside is like being transported into a Harry Potter novel where the narrowest of corridors, with sharp angles and crammed nooks and crannies are lined floor to ceiling with books and more books.
It was ridiculously crowded and claustrophobic the day I was there, but still I managed to squeeze up the slender staircase and plaster myself to the wall for a few minutes to listen to a writer reading from her own book of poems.
That sealed for me the historic charm of the place.
Sadly, Shakespeare and Company, which has been in this location since 1951, was forced to close early on in the pandemic resulting in sales dropping 80 percent. It was announced last month that it might even have to close for good.
Now, happily, with the addition of online sales, and benefactors who can’t stomach its demise, the store is back in business and hoping to survive the coming months.
If they do, and when things return to normal, I am sure there will be a long waiting list of people who want once again to experience its nocturnal magic, maybe now more than ever before.
For me, the desire to be one of them has waned as I get older and am less likely to forgo my creature comforts.
A night on a hard shelf fending off the ghosts of the literary past no long appeals to me…I don’t think.
Unless of course, one could guarantee I would dream of Hemingway.
For a full history of Shakespeare and Company click HERE!
Waking Up In Paris
By the way, speaking of good books, have you read Sonia Choquette’s Waking Up In Paris?
Sonia is an accomplished American Hay House author who has written a whomping 28 books! She is also a renowned intuitive and spiritual guide in a league with the likes of Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay.
A few years ago after a painful breakup of her marriage, this intrepid woman of a certain age moved to Paris. Her story of braving this new city, finding her new place in the world, and just sitting contemplating life in a variety of charming cafés will have you hanging off her every word.
Click on this LINK to Purchase!

Sonia Choquette in Paris!
The VIRTUAL ADVENTURES CLUB Interview with Sonia Choquette is Coming SOON!
While Sonia is incredibly busy, and does not grant many interviews, she has agreed to do one with me in February!
Stay Tuned for that!
(It will be the first of 7 Exclusive Interviews I will be offering as part my NEW 2021 Virtual Adventures Membership Club)
Giveaway Book Draw Open Only to New (December) Subscribers!
Are you a new subscriber this month? If you signed up for Heather Stimmler’s interview this Tuesday, you have been automatically subscribed as indicated.
So here’s the deal.
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The 15th New (December) Subscriber to leave a comment below will WIN Sonia’s Book Waking Up In Paris! Bonne Chance!
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Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
I love Paris and am so happy I found you and your newsletter! ❤️
Thank you so much for your comment. I hope you and your family are well. I am thrilled to have you as part of my community who love Paris!
I am a confessed francophile and love all things French! Look forward to hearing from you in future too.
Paris attracts such wonderful people. That’s probably why I’m there.
Paula — so great to hear from you. Ha ha, yes I do believe that Paris attracts great people! Thank you so much for reading my blog and I look forward to the interview on Tuesday. Diana
Your content looks intriguing, Diana. Thank you for bringing us Heather Stimmler-Hall this week.
Thank you Ellen! I appreciate the comment. And I look forward to hearing from you in the future. Heather is incredible and I look forward to interviewing her on Tuesday. See you then, Diana
Wouldn’t it be a unique experience to become a “Tumbleweed”? However, at this stage of my life, I would probably sidestep this nocturnal magic of sleeping on a hard bookshelf! But just to browse through this wonderful Book Store would be wonderful. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! You do find the most interesting things, Diana…..
Love your comments Gretchen, always so positive, even during these tough times.
Merry Christmas to you and thank you for being such a loyal and dedicated supporter.
Great story.
Twink! Thank you! I have not heard from you in a while. We have to set up
a ZOOM call with Maggie and crew before Christmas!
I certainly hope that this eclectic wonderful store survives! Think of all the stories it houses and stories it could tell! 😘 I must go when we next go to Paris!!
We will go the next time! I am sure it will survive somehow. Such an institution.
Like you, I LOVE to read and LOVE bookstores …. and browsing in them. Here in Toronto we’re in lockdown again and bookstores are only allowed to be open for curbside pickup or delivery – no browsing 😞 I’m SO happy that the Shakespeare Bookstore in Paris will survive!!!!
BTW, my bookclub read the book (at our October “zoom” meeting) that you recommend above by Sylvia Choquette at my insistence and we had a very interesting conversation about. Consensus was that it’s a book worth reading!
Me too! I love small bookstores. The box stores overwhelm me.
Sonia Choquette is a very interesting with an enormous following around the world. I can’t wait to interview her.
Merry Christmas to you Trudy and thank you for being such a loyal fan. It means so so much to me, Diana
While I love bookstores I could never imagine even thinking of staying all night in one, even that one, Diana…… I’m with you on the need for creature comforts! Looking forward to the interview this week.
Yes, maybe in the twenties I would have done it by now…nope. Fun though to know people can do that! Best to you Juliette, and thank you for commenting. Diana