Swimwear for the Mature Woman!

“It’s about time that women of all ages, stages, sizes and shapes
have the opportunity to feel great about themselves in their swimwear.”
For those of you planning a winter vacation somewhere warm, I have to tell you about Bathing Boomers — a line of swimwear for “mature women”, or as I like to call us, women of a certain age.
But first I have to tell you about the two remarkable women behind this business, Velvet Haney and Rachel Manley.
If you have watched Netflix’s Grace and Frankie, starring real-life friends Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda, you might see some similarities.

Velvet Haney, 68, and Rachel Manley, 75/Cofounders of BathingBoomers.com
I met Velvet and Rachel some years ago before all of this happened.
I had just published a memoir and was asked to be a guest at their book club, an experience I will never forget.
I was the least accomplished person in the room.

Velvet on the left, Rachel on the right in their swimwear for the mature woman
Bathing Boomer Founders
Velvet Haney is a former model, TV Host, and author of a remarkable graphic memoir called The Mousehouse Years.
Rachel Manley is the daughter of a former Jamaican Prime Minister, and winner of the Governor General’s Award for her memoir, Drumblair, Memoirs of A Jamaican Childhood.

Rachel Manley on the left with a friend sporting the Swim Dress and leggings in Barbados
The idea of starting a swimwear line for mature women was the last thing on their minds.
However, the two are good friends and sometime later as another summer approached and another year had passed, they lamented about appearing in a bathing suit.
I get it! My bikini days are long over, but like most of my friends, even slipping into a one-piece is not my finest hour.
I did so once this summer, on the houseboat as you may remember, and only because I needed a bath and there was nowhere else to go except into the lake!

Model Renee Welling in Blue Paisley Swim Shirt
So Velvet and Rachel started thinking about and designing what would offer them extra coverage, be comfortable and also attractive for swimming and lounging around in the sun.
They soon discovered a market gap and realized they might be onto something.
Being accidental entrepreneurs, it was fortuitous that Velvet’s husband is Trivial Pursuit co-creator John Haney who helped out on the business side of the start-up as treasurer.
Now BathingBoomers.com is online and growing in popularity with three main products, the Swim Dress, Shirt, and Leggings plus a few accessories as they continue to expand.

Bathing Boomers at the pool!/Swimwear for the Mature Woman
Thank you Bathing Boomers!
They very kindly sent me their Blue Paisley Swim Shirt to try out for myself.
I was planning to take it away with me on a 10-day vacation to St. Lucia this month but this got canceled.
So I got creative.

Ok, this is not the beach. It’s a shower but you get the idea!/Swimwear For The Mature Woman

Just about to turn on the water!
I love the fit I got with the stretchy lightweight material fit. The adjustable sides make it easy to shorten or lengthen as needed.
The shirt has bra cups (removable) which I also liked to keep in place parts of me that actually are heading south.
And since that will keep happening in the years ahead, what a great solution for swimwear!
What Velvet and Rachel Have T0 Say!

Velvet wearing the BB Swim Dress at Lake Como!/Swimwear for the Mature Woman
I asked Velvet and Rachel to tell me what they liked most about their creations. Here is what they told me:
Velvet wrote about renting a villa with friends in Lake Como.
From Rachel:
*Note: I do not derive any commissions from promoting BathingBoomers.com
but I do endorse this product and hope you will like it as much as I do!
*Also all photographs except the ones of me are courtesy of BathingBoomers.com

Photo courtesy Heidi Evans
The WOMEN OF PARIS Step Into The Spotlight
With Heidi Evans
Tuesday, December 6th at 12:30 pm
This Interview is now Over.
But you can CLICK HERE to watch it.
With a degree in English Literature, Heidi Evans came to Paris from the UK to learn French and fell in love with the city, along with its relatively unheralded history of the women who shaped its literary, artistic, and theatrical arenas.
Frustrated with the predominantly male narrative in these areas, in 2016, Heidi started the very first Women of Paris Tours devoted entirely to its heroines from Mata Hari to Edith Piaff, from Simone de Beauvoir to Sylvia Beach, from Colette to Natalie Clifford Barney.
Join me as we tap into this woman’s knowledge and passion as she explores the lives, loves and struggles (one writer had to pen under a male name!) of the women of Paris.
Note Heidi’s tours stop at a few of the neighbourhood pastry and chocolate shops!
Because, well because it’s Paris!
Disclosure Policy: This site uses affiliate links for books that may generate small commissions based on clicks and purchases. Any products that I giveaway are personally purchased by me unless otherwise specified. The photographs in this blog were supplied by BathingBoomers.com except for the ones of myself. I respect my subscribers’ privacy and do not share their information with any other party or organization.

Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
I absolutely love this swimwear! The final comments she made about shedding the towel and running on them trying to retrieve it while keeping your dignity….difficult and stressful. I love beach walking and Swimming and I know these would make like easier; cover up the wobbly bits and veins ! I know what I would love for Christmas BFF 🌲❤️🙏🏻
You are too funny BFF —- I think you would look great in all of this swimwear!
What a marvellous discovery – It has been a while since I donned a bathing suit, and as the years advance, I shudder to think of doing so! Will definitely investigate BathingBoomers.com.
Thanks, Diana.
I really do think any woman over 5o or 60 right up to the ’90s (and beyond?) would look great in this swimwear. Diana
What a Amazing feeling of freedom this swimwear gives me and as I was scrolling reading and looking I was thinking in the hot hot summer I could go anywhere in this and feel comfortable.
Thank you Christine
I really do think I will get a lot of wear out of my shirt dress. I really can’t handle the sun on my arms so I like the long sleeves!
Thanks for featuring these women and their creations, Diana. I love to swim and last year began wearing “alternative swim suits” of my own creation out of the abhorrence of trying to squeeze into those suits that supposedly “hold it all in”!! I found that loose nylon workout shorts paired with lingerie style tank tops worked and felt great, but these creations take it to a whole, other level of comfort that can live out of the pool, too.
Now to to decide which style and colour to order!
I really think they are on to something Juliette. I love my swim shirt. I can’t wait to wear it somewhere other than my shower!
Best to you, Diana