Katharine Hepburn as Coco!

Katharine Hepburn
May 12th, 1907 – June 29th, 2003
The anniversary of Katharine Hepburn’s birthday is coming up this week and I wanted to celebrate it with a story that mon amour Pat told me about her.
Of course, there is also a French connection.
Starting in 1969, Hepburn starred in the hit musical COCO inspired by the life of Coco Chanel who founded the Chanel brand and revolutionized women’s fashion in the 20th century.
I can’t think of a more fitting role for the late Hollywood leading lady who was known for her headstrong independence, spirited personality, and outspokenness.

Katharine Hepburn as Coco
Not only did the show have a long run on Broadway and in various cities across the US, but Hepburn also did a two-week run at Toronto’s former O’Keefe Centre, now called the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts.
That is where my Pat met Hepburn.
Pat was then in his early twenties, at university and working three nights a week as captain usher, managing the team of ushers for the O’Keefe Centre.
It also allowed him special privileges, such as direct contact with the talent.
In this case, it was his job to meet Hepburn before each performance at the side entrance when her car pulled up.
“I was awestruck of course,” says Pat. Over the next few weeks, Pat escorted the actor to her dressing room and they shared a few laughs.
“I can’t remember what we talked about but Miss Hepburn called me by my first name. I will never forget that.”

On stage in a red Chanel suit.
The play COCO showcased Coco Chanel’s life at age 70 in 1953 when the fashion designer came out of retirement to reopen her Paris salon.
Hepburn played this role from age 62-64. In fact, it was the first and only stage musical that she ever did.

Stage musical COCO
“Miss Hepburn made only one request, ” says Pat. “She didn’t want to be distracted while she sang her solo number “Coco”, so she asked that I make sure no one entered or left the theatre during her big number .”
“As a result, I had to place ushers both outside and inside at the various doors into the theatre armed with the ready phrase “Sorry sir you cannot go tothe bathroom right now!”
Of all the performers Pat met from Engelbert Humperdinck, and Milton Berle to Bobby Sherman, along with ballet and opera stars, he says Hepburn was the most genuine and down-to-earth.
“She was very natural, always smiling and she put everyone at ease.”
Pat’s only regret was that he did not get Hepburn’s autograph on one of the programs!

A relaxed Katharine Hepburn speaking about her role in Coco at a press conference In Toronto on March 14th, 1971.
What a great memory! Thank you, Pat — and Happy birthday Katharine.
Note: Coincidentally, the real Coco Chanel died in early 1971, two months before Hepburn’s two-week stint in COCO at the O’Keefe Centre.
Paris Fan Club Members
The Paris Workshop Series
May 24th at 12:30 pm ET/
9:30 am Pacific
Title: What French Women Know!
with Author and Journalist
Debra Ollivier
The QUIZ will be FUN!
What French Women Know will be the second of our interactive workshops where we will explore together our impressions and perceptions of French women and whether they are TRUE or FALSE.
Debra Ollivier has long studied this subject as she is the author of the national bestseller What French Women Know: About Love, Sex, and Other Matters of Heart and Mind and Entre Nous: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Her Inner French Girl. Debra also then married a French man and moved to France, became a French citizen and had two children. Both mystified and intrigued by the long-held stereotypes of French women, she discovered the reality was much more complex.
There will be fun QUIZ to do with her — you might be surprised by what you think you know — and this will form the centerpiece of our discussion and debate.
Bring your Stories
and Questions
Paris Fan Club Members!
You might also want to read or revisit a blog about my impressions of French women called The Independent Woman — CLICK HERE TO FIND IT!
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Brought to you by www.womanofacertainageinparis.com

Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
What a wonderful memory “Mon Amour” has of the one-and-only Katharine Hepburn! I would be awestruck, too …. and I was when I met Harry Belafonte backstage at the same O’Keefe Centre when I was in my early 20’s !!!
Well, it is indeed a small world Gretchen! Pat was the head usher for Harry Bellafonte then too.
But he says that he was a very grumpy person!
I wonder if it was Pat who ushed you to your seat though!
Thanks for the comment as always, Diana
Katherine Hepburn is one of my idols!
What a great gig Pat had at O’Keefe and what a fabulous opportunity to have met Miss K 💕
Me too… I just loved her!
Thanks for the comment Shardie!