A Favourite Street in Paris

Looking north towards Sacré-Cœur on rue des Martyrs
Rue des Martyrs: Named After A Saint
A Gastronomic Tour

They will vacuum pack your cheese selections at La Fromagerie!
La Bucherie and La Fromagerie
La Patisserie

Deep deep dish Zucchini Tomato Quiche

Translation “Eggs with Jelly” which sounds yuck in English. But they are delightful for lunch.

Colourful fruit stands are numerous where the berries are very expensive but the taste-simply wow!
La Boulangerie

Lots of cafés to choose from on this street

At least two dozen dumplings to choose from
I am satisfied that I have everything I need for a day or two, although — maybe I will turn around and go back to get a piece of that quiche! What do you think?
If You Go…
You can sign up for a gastronomic tour of rue des Martyrs on Viator.com — and remember to bring a large shopping bag and plenty of time to enjoy the ambience.
Read more about this Parisian street at Rue des Martyrs Shopping Experience.
And Don’t Stop Reading Yet!
I am Announcing a Snap FREE Giveaway Offer!
ONE Private French Lesson with Christine Camm

Christine, working online with her students!
If you have read this far today, you are in for a treat. Next week, I am offering a Snap Giveaway.
Do you have an upcoming trip to Paris or France?
Do you speak a little French and would like to polish some phrases?
Do you just want to test the waters with what it would be like to learn French?
Do any or all of these apply to you?
You are in luck.
My dear friend and colleague Christine Camm of SimplyFrenchonline.com is generously offering ONE FREE Private French Lesson to help you start learning French; brush up on those phrases you would like to practice; and/or begin to explore taking your French to a whole new level!

Christine Camm with flowers from her garden!
You don’t even have to speak any French to apply! Just have a love of the language and a desire to learn.
You have already heard me talk about Christine. She lives in a small town in Southwestern France called Pujo and has been teaching French for more than three decades. I have interviewed many French teachers. Christine is the very best!
Here’s how to Qualify for the Free French Lesson!
All you need to do is leave a Comment about today’s blog below. That way I will have a list of names of people who are interested.
Then — in next week’s blog, I will ask you to leave another comment about WHY you want to WIN this lesson?
Christine and I will choose the best one and announce the Winner the following week!
That’s it!
Quick, easy and fun.
And thank you so much Christine for your generosity.
*Christine is already helping some of my readers with their French — why not you?
Christine also offers a number of individual and group courses but this will be a Private lesson, just one -on-one.
Value = 47 Euros which is approximately$52 US dollars/$69 CAD/$76 Australian dollars
Disclosure Policy: I do not derive any commissions in promoting Christine Camm and her services. Any products that I giveaway are personally purchased by me unless otherwise specified (as in this case where Christine has offered a Free Lesson.)
I write all content on my site unless otherwise specified. And I respect the privacy of my subscribers and do not share their information with any other party or organization.

Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
Yum. I am hungry just reading this article. What stands out is the appeal of the displays. Very enticing.
Love your blogs. I feel like you have sent them to me personally. Keep up the good work and thanks Diana.
Doris, I just love hearing from you! i was so hungry when I wrote this blog! Thank you for the comment! Diana
Love your blog Diana! A sensory and literal interpretation of Hemingways Moveable Feast…strolling down rue des martyrs feasting as you go!
It is like A Moveable Feast.. you are so right Anne. Thank you so much for this comment. And also hope you are interested in winning the French Lesson next week! Keep commenting! Diana
I do wish I had been on that street with you BFF! As a designer I am so enthralled by the fact that the displays of gastronomic delicacies are so very artistic! It’s no wonder that many Parisians shop every day! The experience is so gorgeous to the eye and simply delicious to boot! Magnifique!
You are so right Shardie! It is the design of these shop windows that is really appealing…an art in itself!
The next time I go shopping I will be wishing I was in Paris instead of the IGA.
Just a comment about your blog Diana, so happy to have found it through my bridge friend Nur Cowan…I am excited to learn more about the City of Lights where my only child Nicola and her family are staying for a few years. I will, of course have to learn this beautiful language, just like my little grandson who is already doing well at twenty months, would you believe! … I am also looking so much forward to discovering Paris, the Churches, the food places, the best way to discover Christmas in Paris…and all else…Roll in December…
Monica.. so very exciting for you! You have the perfect excuse to learn French now!
If you need a little boost, I know your would enjoy Christine Camm of simplyfrenchonline.com!
Thank you so much for joining my blog community and please continue to comment and tell us
about your travels in France!
After having learned some French in Pau, at the age of 31 years, I have since taken up French conversation at our Collingwood library for the past 2 years and also work with a friend to improve my French from time to time, plus Duo Lingo, so hopefully when I arrive in Paris next May 8th, 2020, I will be able to converse with the French as I take a six week camino from Puy de Vallée in south western France over the Pyrenees to Roncesvalles. I will be 77 by this time!!. Here’s to those who love learning and the French language.
The Collingwood Library’s hour long conversation is open to all levels but it helps to have some background in French, as I did.
Thank so much for this comment. We are excited for you and your trip in May … the Camino is a challenging and inspirational journey
from all that have done it. What a story you will have to tell when you get back! In fact wouldn’t we all love to hear about? Hmmmmm!
I forgot to leave a comment on this week’s blog which I have been following here and on Facebook and subsequently have saved a lot of restaurants and places to go once I arrive in Paris next year !
I enjoyed having you speak at Probus on the Bay and read your book about your GrandFather Billy Bishop!