Finding La Provence in Hawaii!

Even a girl who loves Paris needs a vacation in the sun once in a while, and this year I went to visit my cousin Maggie who lives on Maui.
It’s a long way away so the last thing I expected to find there was a little bit of France.
Most tourists don’t know about this small French bistro located in Maui’s UpCountry at an elevation of about 3500 feet on the way up to the Haleakala crater.

La Provence in Kula, Maui
“La Provence” — A French Bistro on Maui
It is definitely off the beaten track. Far away from the sandy beaches and the luxury hotels and restaurants. Still, you have to get there pretty early after it opens at 10 am to get the fresh croissants. They were already sold out by the time we arrived for brunch. Other pastries like the almond and fruit tarts were also going fast.

Almond and Fruit tastes baked that morning!
Craving something hot, we ordered frothy cafés au laits and authentic French crépes — I had crab and cheese, and Maggie had the cheese and mushroom.

Moi! About to dig in! The crispy roast potatoes were also worth the trip!

Cousin Maggie — See any resemblance?

Le menu
I would have loved to have chatted with chef Thierry Michelier but he was too busy cooking in the kitchen for the crowd that lines up daily to taste his French fare. Michelier, who is originally from Avignon, has been living on Maui for 20 years. Hats off for bringing the best of France with him and creating a hidden gem in this tropical paradise!

“Service!” Chef Michelier slaves away!
Lavender Fields in Maui
Not too far from the bistro I discovered another little piece of France — a place called Ali’i Kula Lavender.
Off the main road, I wended my way up almost into the clouds to discover this beautiful garden and lavender field.

Lavender field at Ali”i Kula Lavender
It was almost closing time, but I still managed to take a serene and fragrant walk through the gardens — with no one else around.
Lavender in Maui — who knew?

Lavender Chocolate for sale at the little shop at the Lavender Fields. Yum!
Maui Trivia
Did you know that Oprah Winfrey lives on Maui? She bought over 60 acres of land nearby and grows more than 100 species of local and organic produce; herbs, fruits and vegetables. I wonder if she has tried La Provence?
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Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
You have a way of finding hints of Paris anywhere, bien sur , mon amie! ?
Its always on my radar! Love hearing from you BF! Diana
How lovely to find a little bit of France in Maui. I’m not sure about the resemblance of your cousin, maybe if she had her glasses off. Does she come visit you, or travel to France with you?
Enjoyed the story in Maui.
Hi Sally — How are you? Yes, I don’t think my cousin and I really do look a like but spending time with her was a treat.
It is so great when you share a family history, and find that you have so much in common. Maggie comes to Canada once in a while
but not often enough! And no as yet, she has not come to Paris to visit. On our bucket list… best to you, Diana
What a talent Diana, to find so far, a parfum of France!
Hope meet your cousin with you and show you the best pretty village de Provence.
Did she likes cooking as well as you?
Astrid — Je suis tellement contente d’avoir de vos nouvelles. Ma cousine et moi avons beaucoup cuisiné
ensemble quand j’étais a Maui.
Je suis terriblement déçue que je ne vienne pas en France ce printemps! Mais, peut-être je peux aller a l’automne.
Croissants in Maui! Who would of thought. Continue to enjoy your blogs on Sunday mornings.
How wonderful to hear from you! It has been a while. I will have to go back to try the croissants — got there too late for that.
Nice to find this little hint of France so far away. I hope you are well and I look forward to your comments. Diana
Provenance on Maui works for me every time. Are you sure that isn’t your sister?
Haha.. well Maggie looks more like you of course because you are her sister but I loved reconnecting with my other cousin… I don’t see the two of you often enough! Much love, Diana
Yes, there is definitely un air de famille.
I thought Oprah lived between Chicago and California, but it is true that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. And Oprah can afford several properties.
Hi Lagatta,
Oprah has places all over of course but she calls Maui home now. There was an article in the UpCountry Magazine about how she has adopted Maui. You know when she is visiting because you can see one of her jets at the airport. It has a lovely rose on it. Best to you, Diana
Great photos!
A close friend of mine lived in Maui in the late 1980s twice for 6 months each time. I was fortunate enough to visit her then. How long has the French bistro been in Haleakala?
Hi Trudy — Maui is a magical place isn’t it?
I believe the restaurant has been there about 13 years. Thanks for the comment. Diana