Global Check In!

Painting by Sylvia Kingsley, UK
Connecting with women all over the world is one of the best things about having a blog.
So, let me introduce you to three of my loyal readers, in Europe and beyond, with whom I keep in regular contact.
I am happy to say that during this difficult time, they and their families are all healthy, and things are easing up a little where they live.
Sylvia Kingsley from Watford, England

Artist and Journalist
Sylvia and I started conversing sometime ago when she kindly sent me comments about my blog.
I soon discovered that Sylvia, like me, is a journalist by trade. In fact, she is extremely accomplished having worked for several British publications, as well as, internationally for operations like the Canadian Press. She is also a freelance travel writer, which has taken her to India. Italy, Mauritius, Central, and South America.
With a passion that extends from the pen to the brush, Sylvia is also a professionally-exhibited artist and a few of her paintings are featured here.
Sylvia has been on her own throughout this crisis, and at nearly 93 years young, she knows that she is certainly among those at “high risk”.
“Normally I would have been on the move, meeting with painting groups, going to lectures, and spending time with friends,” Sylvia lamented.
Still, to break up the monotony, she sometimes escapes in her car, park in a ‘leafy lane’ and just rolls down the windows.
Good for you Sylvia. I can relate.

By Sylvia Kingsley

By Sylvia Kingsle
Robyn Poulton from Melbourne Australia

Robyn at home!
I don’t know who started following who first but I found Robyn on Instagram and was instantly attracted to her high energy! She also started following and commenting on my blog!
This stylish savvy lady is 68. She was married for 21 years, now divorced, and living happily as a single woman surrounded by “many true friends”.
Robyn has had a highly successful career that took her from modeling; to the film industry promoting and marketing Australian and international films; to sales and brand management development for the world’s luxury skincare lines; Clarins Paris, La Prairie Switzerland, Sisley and Guinot, resulting in a number of trips to … well, Paris of course.
(So envious! Beautiful skin and Paris!)
“Life here has had its challenges with COVID-19,” says Robyn, “mainly BOREDOM with restrictions; Melbourne is a social city, so quite a challenge to stay in touch with friends and still get up to mischief! However, where there is a will there’s a way!”
Love to hear more about how you are getting into mischief Robyn.

Lots of style! Love the purse!
You can find Robyn on Instagram at #robyn_poulton.
Share Your Stories With Us
Ladies — Please, pretty please, comment below what country and city you are from and how you are doing!
Not to be overly cliché but we ARE all in this together! It helps to connect.
Brought to you by

Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
Over the past few months I have taken the time to reconnect with my long-lost friends, who live in other time zones.
I believe our relationships have grown and are more genuine and understanding. That is how I see it.
Thank you Diana. Love hearing from you . I think of you every Sunday morning.
Xxoo Twink
Hi Twink. I too am finding that. I am focussing on my relationships. And I love getting regular weekly comments from you too
as it makes me think of you and Randy, and you painting by the lake. I hope we have a beautiful summer ahead! Love you, cousin of mine, Diana
I am Penelope from just North of San Francisco. My husband and I are in our 70’s. We met late in life after he was widowed and I got him hooked on Paris through my eyes. We now usually go twice a year, staying in St. Germain. We are going through withdrawal, but we know how lucky we are and enjoy our memories and photos. We are well, but being very cautious even as things reopen. Besides our travels, I miss hugging my grandchildren the most even though we have distanced driveway visits and FaceTime chats. Be well everyone and thank you for Diana for keeping our Paris dreams fueled.
Penelope — thank you for the comment. I do love the San Francisco area – so much that I have taken a few days off
once in a while to visit the city on my own. I find it really energizes me.
But as you say, not right now or for a while. I know we will get back to Paris but for now, I will continue to keep the dream alive, and even expand it with some new offerings coming soon on my website. Hope you will enjoy
those too. Best for now. Stay well, and see you in Paris in 2021? Diana
Thank you for posting these stories of women around the world. Instead of spending a month in Paris this spring, I have connected to my garden, growing flowers and vegetables. There is such solace outside. I have also taken some online courses: colorstyling, French, interior design, and a new one on racism in America called Justice in June. I won’t be going to France again until there is a vaccine, and I am heartened by the research.
Hello.. thank you so much for the comment. I am in the same boat! Not going back to France or anywhere until I have
that vaccine. In the meantime, like you, I am focussing in on what matters, what makes me feel good and the people who
I love. That course on racism interests me as a journalist. I am going to look into it. Thank you for making me aware of it.
Best to you, Diana
Staying connected with friends (some from high school!) has been most welcome during this pandemic. Sure helps my wellbeing to hear from others.
You are so right. I was able to drive the 2 and half hours to see Shardie and Christy yesterday — have
a lovely lunch in their beautiful garden and then drive the 2 and half hours back. We social distancing
and disinfected along the way. A bit of a trip … pun intended but I would not have missed it. Seeing
my closet friends is priceless! Much love to you Gretchen! Diana
Hi Diana,
Love your blog and follow your posts each Sunday. I especially like that you post Sunday mornings since the other bloggers I follow, don’t usually post on Sunday. We live in the Raleigh-Durham area of NC and are in the second phase of our lockdown so seating in restaurants and salons just opened June 1. Next week we have our family NC beach trip with our kids and my siblings coming from 3 different states. Some are flying in so we’ve asked everyone to take maximum precautions. This trip has been the one thing I did not want to give up and hopefully all will go well. Our beach house kitchen table seats all of us so we will mostly get takeout and then grill a night or two. Just looking forward to being with my favorite people in the world for a week!
Kelly — Lovely to hear from someone from North Carolina…probably one of my favorite states in the U.S. for sure!
Your weekend sounds like it is going to be just wonderful and I am sure it will be. I can see why you are so
excited about it and did not want to give it up. Thank you for commenting. It builds connection for me as I
live alone and far away from my closet friends and family. My blog has been a god send to me during this time.
Have a wonderful reunion Kelly. Diana
I had all the ladies identified correctly! Quelle surprise! The colours Sylvia uses in her beautiful paintings are outstanding. Inga has me very curious about Brittany, I love a good beach, and Robyn, , I need your skin care recipe ASAP. Lovely to meet these ladies via your blog Diana as I enjoy my Sunday morning coffee here in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Quarantine has been very surprising for me. I am quite busy and quite social but I have been very content. I have read some wonderful books, worked a little more on art journaling, played with some water colouring and acrylic paint in journaling, knit a new hat for the fall and just settled right down, I am also very fortunate to live right on a great part of the Trans Canada trail and sea wall so walking most days has been very easy although the rain in June here is annoying. I do miss family and close friends terribly and am so grateful for FaceTime, Google Duo, etc.
Margaret Ann, You are describing my life pretty much through all of this.. minus the painting and the knitting. I once knitted a sweater with three arm holes
along with the neck. Not talented in either of these. But I have settled right down and really prioritized what is important to me. Despite its negative
side, this is an enriching time as well. Love hearing from you as always. Diana
Love these storied, Diana!
So many interesting, well-travelled women in your network.
And they all demonstrate how we each need to take responsibility for our own lives, that while we are all still a work in progress, this connection with other women can be inspiring to us as we take that next step forward to create the life we want.
Thanks so much to you for your inspiring example!
Exactly Peg. It is such a small world in the end and we have so much in common … I love conversing with these women and so many others I am meeting because of this blog! Thanks for the comment! Diana
I miss the opportunity to travel. I am fortunate to live in a beautiful spot on Maui where there are few COVID-19 cases. There is a 14 day quarantine for those who want to visit. But when the quarantine is lifted and the tourists return in
droves we could get more cases which will burden out little hospital and inhibit me from going out again. Yet our economy counts on tourism. So there is a conflict here.
On the bright side we have this wonderful island to ourselves and are able to enjoy its beauty without the overpopulation of rental cars and tour busses. So I have been enjoying swimming at the beach in the early morning meeting up with other swimmers. That’s my social time these days. Travelling can wait.
Yes you live in paradise and let’s hope when things do return to normal, people do so safely and not jeopardize that delicate human ecosystem. I would love to come back to see you again Maggie! Diana
We are here,all together alone,and throughout this reaching out to friends and family,sharing each other’s accomplishments, humour and frustrations ; still I am fortunate enough to have technology to share, to vent to enjoy all the amazing people that I have been blessed to have on my journey.
Many grumble,whine,complain and just simply see the brighter side of this, it has set us down to reconsider what really is most important in life, Diana I am so fortunate to have you and meet many more amazing friends who are just making the best of it,
God speed, and hopefully we will all remember this some with happy memories others fare not so much.
Grace.. you are so right!
I missed commenting on this last Sunday and now I am woefully late, BFF . I usually do so on my iphone on Sunday mornings and realize that in not using my laptop , I miss reading the other comments from those that you have connected with around the world! That will now change ! With the power of technology, your inspirational words have reached and been so important to so many .
I loved reading the bios on the three ladies and what a pleasure “to meet”t all of them ! Perhaps a Woman of a Certain Age in Paris , face to face event in that wonderful City when its safe !!
I’ve been up and down during this pandemic but have tended to be in the” woe is me” mode , far too much. Working on that as we speak !! I am sitting here looking out my window at the garden, thinking of the wonderful adventure of being a grandmother in two months and all the things I have to be grateful for , thank you Diana , for being you ! xoxo
Of course I am almost in tears reading this! You have certainly had your challenges since the start of this pandemic and we are all ALLOWED to feel down — it has not been easy. But yes, you have so much to look forward to, and I will be there right along side you BFF! Diana