Paris! Arrived!

It’s been two long years but I am finally back in Paris!
Am I so stimuli deprived that the city seems even more beautiful than before?
I got here last Tuesday and I have been gorging on a feast for the eyes, stomach, and soul ever since.
For those of you wondering about my travel to France and all the COVID news here, I will get to that further down.
But before that, let me take you on a tour of my first few days.
As soon as my car let me off, I looked to the right and snapped a picture of the Arc de Triomphe at the top of the street. (Featured picture)

My Building
The 16th arrondissement seems a rather tony neighbourhood a few blocks from the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, and my apartment, which I rented on Airbnb, is on the first floor of the building above — but inside facing a courtyard so no street noise.

View of the inner courtyard outside my window!

My window to the courtyard
It is one room with a Chinese screen dividing the bedroom from the living room. There is a well-equipped workable kitchen, and surprisingly an enormous bathroom– certainly by French standards — with a stand-alone tub.
During my first hours, I soaked there to begin washing away the jet lag.

Bedroom with 14-foot ceilings and large windows

Living room with really strange chairs facing the TV. The other large window to the right.

So rare to have a tub in Paris. It is even larger than it looks and almost swallowed me up when I first got in it!
Day 2. I headed four blocks to the open-air President Wilson Marché open on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I stocked up on supplies, chatted with a few of the vendors, and ogled all the gorgeous produce and products that I have been missing — the seafood, the flowers, escargots!

Market at the bottom of my street — 11 Av. du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris

Fresh Scallops in their shells

Tulips in November

French escargots stuffed with parsley butter
Two days later after lots of walking familiarizing myself with the area, I crossed the Seine into Saint-Germain-des-Prés for a guided tour of the former homes of French women writers with my new friend Heidi Evans of Women of You will be hearing more about Heidi and her tours in a later post.
I also had my first lunch indoors in a nearby restaurant, enjoying sliced “magret de canard’|duck breast with shaved parmesan over creamy mashed potatoes. I am very much a lunch person — it was glorious.

Magret de canard at Au Coupe de Torchon, 6 Rue des Ciseaux, 75006 Paris — 2 minutes from the famous Les Deux Magots café!
France News Update
Ok so now for the scoop. No PCR test was required for me to fly to France (although I will need to get one to go home). My flight was half full. There was a space between my seat and the next passenger, who coincidentally, was a Parisian woman of a certain age, and we had a great chat. Everyone wore masks except when eating.
Many people are wearing masks even outside on the streets in Paris. However, cafés and bistros are jammed with people sitting side by side, and of course, no one is wearing a mask when seated. (They do need to be double vaccinated to get in but still…I arranged online to get the Passe Sanitaire before I left Canada which confirms my vaccinations.)
With COVID cases rising and a new variant starting to circulate, the French government is making the booster or the third shot available to anyone over 18 and will start re-vaccinating as soon as possible. I will be eligible for that booster as of late next week and will check to see if I can get it here.
We’ll see how all this plays out. In the meantime, I remain vigilant and am staying clear of groups and crowded locations. Just like I was doing at home.
My Christmas Giveaway Draw
For Annual Members!
“Champagne Dreams Webinar”
with World-Class Expert Cynthia Coutu
As you know, if you are an annual member of my Women of Global Interest Interview Series, you are eligible for my Quarterly GIVEAWAY DRAWS.
This is the last and fourth Giveaway of the year.
In December Two Annual Members will win a 2-hour Webinar with sparkling wine specialist Cynthia Coutu of Delectabulles.
Cynthia, who is based in Paris, has numerous accreditations and awards including receiving accolades for “Best Wine Experience in Paris” in 2020. She has been interviewed or mentioned in publications, such as the New York Times, Paris Match, and Le Monde.
I have purchased Gift Vouchers for two of her fun and informative webinars as Christmas Giveaways, and you could WIN.
No need to do anything. This week, my annual members’ names will be put in a hat (perhaps a beret!) and two names will be drawn, so Stay Tuned!
READ more about Cynthia in a previous blog post I wrote a few years ago called Women+champagne, a Perfect Pairing. Here is the LINK.
See you all next week with more on my return here to Paris!
Disclosure Policy:
Any products that I give away are personally purchased by me unless otherwise specified. I write all the content on my site unless otherwise specified. And I respect the privacy of my subscribers and do not share their information with any other party or organization.

Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
How wonderful to experience some if your experiences here. Its always enjoyable on Sunday am to look for and read your blogs. They always leave me wanting more. Thanks Diana. Have fun! Stay safe!
You are definitely one of my most loyal followers and I am so grateful for you, Best Luci, Diana
Happy to hear you have safely landed in Paris, Diana! Your first few days’ adventures sound wonderful as you get re-acquainted with your Dream Destination! Hope all goes well – keep sending updates!
Thank you Gretchen. Nice to know my blog got our on time from Paris. Diana
Glad you are back. Wear your mask, and be safe.
Please post lots of photos too.
Mask on my dear cousin. Best to you and Randy, Diana
Aaah mon Amie! I so wish I was there with you experiencing all the wonderful sights sounds and aromas of Paris ! What a lovely neighbourhood … Tony indeed…. near the George’s V !
Soak it all up ! I look forward to your Instagram posts every day!
You would love it. Beauty and elegance on steroids. So good for the soul in this crazy world. Love you BFF, Diana
So inspired to see you are back in Paris! It sounds simply wonderful.
Thank you Jane. I am loving being here. Best to you and love hearing from you. Diana
Ravie de te lire Diana.
Je partage ta joie de revenir à Paris, d’autant que tu résides dans un très beau quartier! Wahoo!
J’aimerais tellement me balader dans les petites rues près du théâtre de l’Odéon, et flâner “au Bon Marché” à tous les étages de mode et accessoires irrésistibles !
La situation sanitaire me freine sérieusement, nous devons faire très très attention. On reparle de télétravail comme instauré en Belgique.
Au Sénat, y es tu déjà allée? Tu peux te présenter un matin, et demander d’accéder à une séance publique dans l’hémicycle, il y a quelques rares fauteuils en velours rouge, réservés au public…et du spectacle!
Fais-moi signe dès que tu as un moment au calme de la vie parisienne.
Mes amitiés Astrid
Wow – Paris AND a beautiful AIRBNB!!!!! Stay safe and enjoy everything!!!! I’ll live vicariously through your pictures – take lots.
Hi Trudy — It really is lovely here despite all the mounting health news. I will stay as long as I can! I will be writing about all the Christmas decorations on Sunday, Best to you, Diana
Hello Bonjour Diana,
Staying 3 weeks may seem long but actually it is not THAT long when there is so much to “experience”, Hope we’ll have a chance to meet again during your sojourn. Let’s compare our agendas. Bienvenue, welcome, welcome.
Be still my very foolish heart! Diana, this all looks and sounds fabulous and I too will live vicariously through you! I always read you on Sunday with my coffee but yesterday got to me, the soup is good and I still have a thumb. I can be a menace in the kitchen, my husband thinks the care home that could be in my future may assume I was a chef with all the scars and nicks on my hands, what a guy, so I’m enjoying your news on a Monday, happy hour time here, with a Manhattan! What a lovely lunch you had with Martinn too! As you know, BC is floating so we have decided on a staycation in downtown Vancouver for a couple of days, we so need the change. It won’t be Paris but there are a few spots where we can pretend! Have a wonderful time, be safe, and I am thrilled for you.