Three Things To Feel More Feminine!

Yes Perfume does make me feel more feminine but
ladies, first …. let’s talk frankly about our underwear.
All I can say is thank goodness nobody is witness to the sorry state of affairs of my current underwear drawer.
Mine, I am ashamed to admit, has not seen any new additions since … well, our first lockdown last March.
But now, I am embarrassed by the colours that have faded, the elastics that have gone, and the underwires that are breaking through and poking me in the sides. Ouch!
A girl can only handle so much…
I think I thought I could get away without buying anything new until this COVID beast was tamed.
I had more important things to spend money on like…food!

Does my “underwear” look like this? Uh… No!
As you may remember from one of my last blogs, my friend Kathryn Kemp-Griffin, author of Paris Undressed: The Secrets of French Lingerie, likes to remind me that our underwear is just as important as any other piece of clothing to how we feel about ourselves, perhaps more.

Billboard for a Lingerie shop In Paris!
And as Kate also reminds me, let’s stop calling it “underwear” and start calling it “lingerie.” (Like French women do!)
Note to self: I am booking that appointment at my local lingerie shop to buy some lingerie, the real stuff…and taking a fresh clean credit card.
I am already feeling more feminine.
(CHECK OUT a former blog about Lingerie that I wrote called “Paris Undressed” — Click on this LINK to Read)

A shop in Le Marais where you can create your own scent. On my list to do!

Trying some creations!
Even on those darkest days when COVID has kept me isolated, a spritz of perfume can make my day.
But WHY is it that I get attached to a perfume, and then it gets discontinued. Grrrr…
Years ago, I became obsessed with the French perfume Azzaro, and in fact, got my last bottle at a small perfume boutique in Paris.
The salesperson announced to me on the same visit, “Désolé Madame, that is ze last bot-tel.”
In the last ten years, I fell in love with an Italian perfume called La Perla — also discontinued now.
But aha! I went onto Amazon and found some remaining bottles. The day it arrived at the door, I jumped for joy.
It does not take much these days!
(CHECK OUT a Former Blog that I wrote called “French Perfume.” It was one of my favourites to write. Click HERE To Read)
Finally, I have always a big fan of the scarf to accessorize my wardrobe. During COVID I have got away with wearing the same sweater for most of the winter. By adding a nice scarf I have been able to hide that old sweater — especially from my ZOOM clients. (Shhh, don’t tell anyone!)

Winter and fall
Now desperately needing to put a little spring into my life, I am transitioning over from my fall and winter scarves that are in shades of black, brown, and gray, for more vibrant colours of blue, pink, and turquoise.
It already makes me feel lighter and more feminine.

What about you? What makes you feel more feminine? Love to get your comments below.
Note: If you can, please write the comments below rather than send them to my email so we can all see them!
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Diana Bishop the founder of The Success Story Program and A Woman of a Certain Age in Paris as well as a well-known correspondent with over 25 years working for CTV, CBC News, and NBC News. She loves travel, writing, and all things Parisienne.
Femininity …. let’s celebrate this! Certainly lingerie goes a long way towards making one feel sexy! Since the lockdown in my town has eased, I too can venture into local lingerie shop! And scarves have become my new “go to” as I spend more time “zooming” with friends online. Friends see my head & shoulders – so jazzy scarves are de rigeur! Perfume is a MUST every day – I tend towards the exotic & musky fragrances!
C’est La Vie!
You are so right. I am on ZOOM hours and hours every day and that scarf really makes me feel “dressed” and professional.
Thanks for the comment Gretchen. I just love how you are always the first to do so. I look forward to it every week, Diana
This is perfect timing. I was just exploring this last night. Looking at my bra sizes and wondering about attempting an online purchase.
Hmmm online… I think I might need an in-house session to make sure everything fits. My Paris friend Kate says most women are wearing the wrong bra size for instance. I might have to pay an arm and a leg for one that does.. but as L’Oreal says — I am going to do it “Because We Are Worth It.”
Love hearing from you Rhonda. Diana
Scarves, hair clips, earrings, undies. They are different every day. Right now I am doing pink, mustard & maroon. Can’t wait to venture into light pastels, thin cotton dresses and my bathing suit. March 01 tomorrow. I am counting down the days.
Oh me too…Spring this year has such possibilities. Undies are on the top of my list. No one will likely
ever see them (well never say never) but I will know how beautiful they are underneath my clothes.
Thanks for the comment Twink. I always appreciate hearing from you, Diana
Like you, Diana, I’m switching from heavier colours and fabrics to lighter Spring colours and luscious silky fabrics to wear on these lovely Sunny Days. After all Spring is twenty days away!
Dorothy, I always love hearing from you, my fashionista friend. In next week’s blog, I will have a picture of someone who has put together the Big Three that I mentioned in this week’s blog, including a beautiful Hermes scarf, and I know how much you love those. Stay tuned. And thank you for the comment. Diana
Like you Diana, I love scarves and shawls. I get one from all my travels. I use them to decorate my home; over the sofa, on the dining table, over my comforter on the bed, on a chair. I wear one yes! on Zoom – they are so much fun. Loved you newsletter too.
Rose-marie, How are you? So great to hear from you and thank you so much for the comment.
Yes, I should have mentioned shawls. I love those too. So easy to throw on on the way out the door, over a winter coat
or a sweater as it starts to get warmer…please start to get warmer! They really add panache.
We are still due for that coffee in Toronto … once the air clears … Best to you, Diana
Two things: First about perfume – I used to wear Eau de Calandre by Paco Rabanne but since I don’t go out much since my stroke in 2015, and my need to move to the “airless” apartment where I live now, I don’t wear any perfume. Maybe I’ll try a bit again 😃
Second, I’ve always worn scarves as an accessory. Like you Diana, I’ve stopped wearing the darker coloured ones and switched to brighter colours like hot pink or lilac or turquoise!!!
Trudy! Calandre WAS also one of my favourite perfumes for a while. I loved it and have forgotten about it. It was such
a different scent and I like that. I do agree that indoors still in winter I am careful about wearing perfume, but when I
go out, and when Spring arrives and I can be outside more, I will add that perfume spritz behind my neck as I was taught in Paris…
leaves the scent behind you — Thanks so much for the comment. Keep them coming. Diana
I love reading your blog on Sunday mornings with my French Roast in hand.
Covid has changed my perspective on so much.
There are no more “ special occasion “ shawls in my drawer. Each moment in real time has taken on a deeper perspective and importance.
And so, each day begins with my lippy (Rubellite , Lancôme ) my spray ( heavy handed )of Ambre Nuit by Dior and a 140cm cashmere and silk scarf to make me feel pretty and remind me of the Paris I long to return to.
On my list when I do get there again is your suggestion, Diana , to attend the Apprentice workshop at Fragonard and create my personal eau de cologne.
So wonderful. Thank you for your inspiration.
Julia Fish
Julia, Thank you so much for the comment. I have never tried Amber Nuit… hmmm.
I really want to create my own scent too, and that workshop is definitely on my list of to-dos!
Wouldn’t it be fun to do it together. Dare to dream my friend.
My all time favourite scent is “Je Reviens” by Worth, Paris. I actually wore some this past Fri. I also like L’Occitanes verbena scent for everyday, nice and light. Having worked in a scent free environment as an R.N. for many years I now appreciate being able to use scent more often again.
Ah, scarves! Love them. I tend to wear bright colours and light weight scarves year round. The climate in Vancouver lets me keep it lighter in weight and my colouring is much better with a little brightness around my neck. Love the scarf I won from you Diana.
Lingerie, ha! With my COIVD weight it will be off to be fitted once I’m comfortable doing that!
Hi Margaret Ann,
Yes, you are right. I am moving towards lighter-weight scarves which naturally have lighter colours.
Lingerie really is on my list this year as it is usually the last thing I will spend money on…
Hope you are looking forward to the next interview about buying a Chateau! Diana
Yes colours are critical to our emotions and feelings of wellbeing as is scent. I think a woman could economize by investing in a “wardrobe “ of scarves vs a wardrobe change each season or year! Milan be dammed!
That is indeed how French women do it. One great outfit but different accessories … and a different scarf is the best way to change things up. Thanks, Juliette. So great to hear from you. Diana
For me …..I feel more feminine based on the jewelry I’m wearing ! Earrings most especially ! Dangly , sparkly earrings does it ! Perfume as well but mine has always been a light citrus scent !
I love the look of scarves and have many . I never feel that I DO them just right like you do BFF!
Yes, jewelry. I forgot about that! Because no one ever sees me in my home, and I don’t go anywhere except to the grocery store and for a walk wearing my snow togs, wearing jewelry has gone by the wayside. But thanks for reminding me BF and Spring is coming!